Germany’s Fake Bus Stops – IOTW Report

Germany’s Fake Bus Stops

There are fake bus stations in Germany, and the reason is unbelievable. They have stop signs and benches where you can sit comfortably, making it look like a normal station. However, no matter how long you wait at these bus stops, the means of transport never comes. More

A quick video of one such bus stop. Watch

32 Comments on Germany’s Fake Bus Stops

  1. Remember that Brit carpark guy? He collected tens of thousands of pounds a year for Brits to park their cars. For 40 years. Except he had nothing to do with the lot.

    He retired (!) and there was a big party for Eustace Briggs, who never showed up for his retirement party.

    The gubbment finally had to say, “This was never a pay lot, and we have no idea who Eustace Briggs is. We are very sorry.”

  2. I did telco work pretty often at the big VA hospital in DC. Not Walter Reed, although I did quite a bit of work there. The Hospital just north of what we called Washington Hospital.

    The patients wandered around everywhere. The big smoking room (can’t smoke a Camel anywhere on campus) was the fucking main telephone room.

  3. @Erik ~ was it the hospital just south of the Veterans Home? did a gig @ Howard U too

    did an electrical gig when I was an apprentice electrician at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in DC … it was a Mental Institution (that’s what we called it back in the day [early ’70’s])
    anywho, the stories I could tell …. felt bad for these folks, mostly.
    a couple of the crew wrapped themselves in sheets & started running down the corridors yelling “Batman!, Bateman!, Batman!” (the ‘Batman’ show being a big cultural icon at that time) … at the end of the corridor the men in white grabbed the guys & proceeded to lead them to the ‘rubber rooms’ with admonishments of “come along … you’re find” … I was laughing my patootie off. they yelled “he knows who we are, we’re electricians! …. really!” I calmly replied “I don’t know who they are …. probably some crazy patients” …. while being hauled off, they vowed to kill me when they were released …. I was thoroughly admonished by my superintendent …. the whole episode was well worth it … I became legendary in the company annals.

    remind me to tell you about the wolfman & the car-wash stories …. there were others that were much worse

  4. Well, isn’t that touching. We have fake election polling places here in America, where deluded Americans wander in and think they’re participating in an democracy. Whatever it takes to round up people and get them where they need to be.

  5. Yes, the Hospital just south of the Veteran’s home. You parked wherever you could and walked a few hundred yards.

    I was the St Elisabeths cat for a few years, too. And a second, as in a secondary, at Howard U.

    I got fired for a few weeks from Howard because I said, “You are typical nonsense!”

    I was up before “The Board” for a few weeks for that shit.

  6. “What does “typical” mean?”


    “Black people are morons?”

    “You said it. I didn’t”

    on and on. I was pretty close to being shitcanned.

    But my boss, Tom, laughed his way through it and we all kept doing our shit.

    She, the Howard cunt, is probably still a typical cunt to this day.

  7. There’s similar things in America, they’re called voting booths.

    Makes them think their vote counts, but Dominion and the media come in and all is forgotten for 4 years while a potato rides a fake train and builds railroads across the Atlantic.

  8. @Erik ~ yeah, worked @ Howard doing the High Voltage work for the new Student Union Building. we were mostly an all-white crew w/ a few black dudes. one day we were walking to our vehicles parked on Georgia Avenue across the ‘quad’ when one of the black guys yells out “damn, there enough nigga’s here to make a Tarzan movie” … I grabbed my electricians claw hammer (the one w/ the elongated snout & the straightened claw) & said “you know, you’re gonna be the first dead man when they start chimpin'” …. he looked at me w/ astonishment, then laughed & laughed …. an aside: we knicked him Dopo Joe

    was up before the board too … didn’t care much for first year apprentice class (as I knew everything, being a scab for 3 years & attending non-U apprentice classes) & attending night school in DC (IBEW 26) was a bitch. the Board ended up giving me credit for the classes & reinstated me.
    problem was that the work I was on ended (Capital Center) so they sent me to the bench …. I said screw that & went back to scab work running jobs until I went to WSSC.

  9. My father died of Alzheimers on 12/2/2023.
    He was an escape artist. He got out one night, thank God I heard the door open. I was up and out the door in seconds. He was already across the street, trying to get into our neighbor’s house, insisting it was his.
    Another time, my sister called. Dad was in the back yard, tearing down the fence to get out.
    We took away his house keys and he would find anything-nails, forks, screwdrivers-to try and unlock the door.
    They are very determined and very focused on “going home”.
    Alzheimers is a terrible disease. It impacts not only the person suffering, but also their families.
    BTW, I think the fake bus stops are a compassionate idea. I hope the stops are monitored and anyone who happens to stop there is taken care of!

  10. The kind thing to do would be to instal manequinns to give them someone to talk to… and don’t fergit to put one sitting at a chess board! Just place bets on when someone brings a timer…

  11. I used touse a DHL drop box near where I worked. One day I dropped a parcel in. A few days later the recipient emailed to let me know that the parcel had not come. I went back to the drop box, peered in through the door, and there was my parcel sitting there. DHL had de-commissioned the drop box, without so much as a notice on the box. I got a long pole with a ball of double-sticky tape on the end and retrieved my parcel. I thought it best to leave the other parcels in the box alone.

  12. Berlin had a ghost subway station during the cold war. West Berlin paid the East to keep a trainline open that crossed in and out of East Berlin territory. There was a stop on that route and the East Berliners kept an armed patrol on the platform and sealed it off to their own citizens. You could ride the subway from the West and when you passed the station you could see the armed guards making sure no one from the West jumped off or any Easterners tried to get on at their closed station. Pretty famous case actually.

  13. @Erik—was it Forest Glen? I was a student nurse at Walter Reed and FG was the mental health part of WR. It was north. I did my psychiatric rotation there .
    @Agatha, I am sorry for the loss of your Dad and I know how hard you worked to keep him safe and comfortable. God Bless you.

  14. @Corky
    Thank you. It was a journey. My mom, sister, and I are much closer now. I made peace with my dad before he died. I was able to tell him I loved him. I am confident he heard me and understood.


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