Germany’s Upper House Passes Bill Outlawing Burning or Disparaging EU Flag and Anthem – IOTW Report

Germany’s Upper House Passes Bill Outlawing Burning or Disparaging EU Flag and Anthem


The German Bundesrat, the upper chamber of the German parliament, has proposed banning Germans from denigrating both the European Union flag and anthem.

The Bundesrat, which is composed of delegates from the German states, passed a bill that could see individuals who either denigrate the EU flag or the EU anthem, Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy”, punished with a fine or up to three years in prison, Die Welt reports.

German newspaper Saarbrücken Zeitung obtained a draft of the law earlier this year that urged law enforcement agencies “to take firm and effective action against those whose aim is to disparage the fundamental values ​​of the European Union”.  More

11 Comments on Germany’s Upper House Passes Bill Outlawing Burning or Disparaging EU Flag and Anthem

  1. Time for a good ol’ EU flag burning party.
    Will we see the European masses marching in the streets if we burn their flag?
    I have my doubts there are many of the proletariat that would care at all.
    But the elite class … would be looking for their safe spaces.

  2. The BUNDESRAT is the “less” powerful house of their government…
    …so let their “Nancy” and their “AOC” do what they want.

    TO Anonymous
    No, no, no. You’ve got it all wrong. Cheap stereotype someone who knows nothing of their government would say (yes, they’re all collectivists, but…).


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