Get a Load of Alex Jones – “Syria is the Good Guy, Ef Trump!” – IOTW Report

Get a Load of Alex Jones – “Syria is the Good Guy, Ef Trump!”

I’ll update with another link for people who can’t see twitter.

Language warning–>

30 Comments on Get a Load of Alex Jones – “Syria is the Good Guy, Ef Trump!”

  1. Just like how the N. Vietnamese communists and the Viet Cong were the good guys according to the left and we were the aggressor. Remember how that turned out. The left is always predictable, they will always back our enemies no matter who they are.

  2. The main force operating in Syria is Iran. Assad is irrelevant, the real power are the Mullahs keeping the arms and fighters flowing. Syria is Iran’s path to attacking and destroying Israel. No one in Syria is a good guy. No one. The real target of all this is rightly Iran.

  3. Thanks to Obama and the plane loads of currency things are escalating out of control in Syria. Iran should be #1 focus. Lock down the banking and blockade their ports.

  4. I heard an analyst explain why they know Assad did it. The rebels have been living in subterranean levels of destroyed buildings. He couldn’t get to them any way but through using gas that would penetrate where they were and drive them out. It also required an aircraft. Jones and Paul Joseph Watson etc are always believing Syria is set up. You can argue whether we should do anything but it is evident Assad did it.

  5. Having served and spent time in the “bathtub” and “sandbox” I can say there is nothing worth fighting for. Any action is a bad action, let Israel do what they will over there.

  6. He is ingesting to much of his own products. Savage, and some others agree that this could trigger WW3. I felt this would have been a perfect job for the blue helmets — at least here on my Barko lounger…

  7. I don’t give a rat who think that going to Syria is a good fuc think. I agree with Michael Savage, Alex Jones , Laura Ingraham, and other let the fuc Muslim kill each other. This isn’t a American problem. Enough of this shit take care of America don’t let does mother fuc come to the USA protect the border, we don’t need to be fight Muslim shit this people are ungrateful. And for does who believe that trump did something nice last night let me tell you guys. You don’t know what is to have a son or daughter dead in a war . So stop with the shit that trump did something great last night . The Syrian problem isn’t America problem. Fuc the fuc Muslim and the rest of the communist country. What next we will be getting involved in Venezuela shit. No enough of this shit Syria isn’t America problem.

  8. Also put attention. The media wanted trump to bomb , the FUC DEMS wanted the same and the fuc mother enemy wanted the same. Trump need to stay away from the Muslim fuc problem not one single man , or woman in the shitholes countries of Muslim. Let does fuc kill each other. I love trump. I know that is only one perfect person in this world.and that is God Jesus Christ’s. But trump needs to stop hearing John the mother fuc traitor McCain, L the homosexual fuc Graham.and the rest of the war monger.

  9. @Anonymous April 14, 2018 at 8:08 am

    > I heard an analyst explain why they know Assad did it.

    So trying to gas your own citizens, with the intent to force them into a conventional weapon slaughter chute, is a missile-able offense? Glad I’m not sleeping near wherever Janet Reno’s buried.

    I guess if I believed the “intelligence community” to never lie (fingers crossed!) that only the factories that created the gas were targeted, and I believed the “military community” to never lie that only the factories that created the gas were struck (I mean, hey, as long as we’re there… shut yer chicom diplomacy hole!), and I believed The Party that this “one and only, extraordinary time” was singular and extra-ordinary (what are you catchphrasing about, Me. Takei?), then… then… I might be worried being a Clinton. Maybe that’s why Bill’s out for Harambe? Silverbacks gotta stick together when somebody insists they’ve gotta’ kill you, for the childern.

  10. Well, since our Constitution was abandoned after WWII, I’d be for taking out ANY chemical weapons in the Middle East. I don’t care where are they or who owns them. Blow them clean the fuck up, no questions asked.

  11. @Jimmy April 14, 2018 at 10:24 am

    > I’d be for taking out ANY chemical weapons in the Middle East. I don’t care where are they or who owns them. Blow them clean the fuck up, no questions asked.

    Ahh? Mister Jimmy! Can I interest you in a few knuck-you-lars?

  12. Jones is wrong, in that, there are no white knights in this theater, particularly Assad or Putin.
    If he thinks France, England and the U.S. dropping bombs on military targets in Syria will trigger WWIII, who the frig was the white knight??

    Personally, I don’t want the U.S. to intervene in the middle-east because I don’t trust any Arab nation or their citizens because the Allah worshipping, homicide bombing shitbags are weaved throughout the region and you never know who you’re dealing with.

  13. First of all, the Peshmerga were the ones being gassed. If theres somebody worth saving in that entire sand box it’s the Pesh. Second of all the deep state is trying to start WWIII. This includes McStain, Lindsey, and every military analyst on FOX News apparently. Third of all, Trump played them all. There were three targets hit and reduced to rubble. All three were facilities used for manufacturing chemical weapons. We didn’t hit any military sites of any type. And lastly, and this shouldn’t be discounted, live fire drills like this are rare. The Russians are now claiming they shot down 71 of 103 missiles launched. The Pentagon calls bull shit. But we track every one of those missiles and analyze it’s performance. There probably will be some vast improvements. Trump wins again. And Alex Jones is, and has always been an idiot.

  14. Let me be clearer. Laboratories don’t shoot back or house Russian “Advisors”. Two of the targets were storage facilities. Bottom line is, Trump clearly did not get close to anything Russian. The Pentagon is now reporting every missile hit it’s target.

  15. Alex Jones is a 95/5 kinda guy. 95% wrong and 5% right. I couldn’t watch to the end but did he start sobbing uncontrollably? His blood pressure must be in the stratosphere.
    BB-@2:06 pm. Couldn’t agree more!
    BTW, where did Syria get the chemical weapons and technology in the first place? Could it have been from Iraq in about 2003 ?


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