Get a load of Mrs. Assad’s happy Syria Instagram page – IOTW Report

Get a load of Mrs. Assad’s happy Syria Instagram page

American Thinker: All is happy in Syria on Mrs. Assad’s Instagram page.

You might think Syria is a sad place because of all the war, all the bombings, all the massacres, all the loss of life.

You couldn’t be more wrong.

Asma Assad, the wife of Bashar al-Assad, whom Vogue famously called “wildly democratic,” shows the true nature of life in Syria on her Instagram page, and it is all cheerful and upbeat.

Asma is happy.  The sun is shining, it’s a beautiful day, and ISIS wasn’t able to lob any mortar shells at the palace.

On “Happy World Smile Day” Bashar and Asma prepare a care package for orphans in Homs.
They seal it most carefully to make sure it will not detonate prematurely.


8 Comments on Get a load of Mrs. Assad’s happy Syria Instagram page

  1. Oh, come on!
    How many years did we have to look on Moose’s happy face while America was being drowned in debt, unemployment, and poverty?
    95 Million lost their jobs. Another 95 Million lost their medical insurance. Another 95 Million had their standard of living crushed. Another 95 Million went on welfare (some overlap, there).
    But, still, we had Moose’s scowling coconut-crushing-jawed mug to comfort us.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I would truly like to know the real no shit story
    of WTF is going on in Syria. He has proven that he
    protects Christians. What the fuck? Obayme tried to
    over throw Sisi also, who has BANNED the brotherhood.
    Is this truly a CIA/Muzzie ISIS false campaign?

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