Get Busy, Denmark – IOTW Report

Get Busy, Denmark

BreitbartLondon: The city of Copenhagen has launched a campaign to persuade young couples to have children as the nation faces total demographic collapse.

The drive is part of the national MaybeBaby initiative, which aims to teach young people and children about the dangers of engaging in activity which affects fertility and of having children too late. Inhabitants of the Danish capital now don’t have their first child, on average, until they reach 31 – too mature for women to make the most of their fertility, a factor that prevents many couples from having the number of children they may want.  more here

15 Comments on Get Busy, Denmark

  1. Up until just recently their plan was to assimilate a bunch of friendly arabs and put them to work. That way all the locals could retire early and live off the tax revenue that would come in from the hard working muzzies. That’s a hell of a plan if you are trying to destroy your homeland. Are we paying attention?

  2. Every person of science knows that the prime years for a women’s fertility are 15-25. When our distant ancestors didn’t live much past 40, the prime years for a women’s fertility were 15-25. Nothing has changed. It is part of human female physiology.

    The northeastern libtards yuck it up and make fun of “the hicks inbreeding” because they might marry a first cousin. Actually, the incidence of birth defects due to first cousins procreating is about 2-3%. However, the incidence of women over 40 producing a child with birth defects is 5%. In other words, the libtard women that put aside family for a career and then have kids in their late 30s and through their 40s have almost TWICE the chance of producing a baby with birth defects. Not to mention a MUCH higher incidence of miscarriage.

    And just because I say that the prime years for a women’s fertility are 15-25, that does NOT mean I advocate sex with minors. I am stating a scientific fact. When our distant ancestors took mates, those females that were strong and vigorous and young were the ones the alpha male chose for procreation which led to the species surviving.

    Waiting to have children is BAD. Just look at the northeastern libtards. They have children over 40 and they produce some of the most ignorant people on the planet — more libtards. “Inbreeding” is safer and better for children than liberalism. Case in point — Denmark.

  3. As societies move more and more to socialism and becomes more materialistic, the total fertility rate almost always seems to go down. In the United States, the TFR is about 2.05, which is right at replacement rate, and immigration aside, I see this as a looming issue in the next couple of decades.

    I can see this with my own kids and their friends. Granted, the sample size is relatively small and not scientific in any way, but of my kids’ school chums, only three or four are married, one is expecting her first child (she’s in her late 20s), and only one has two children. Marriage and family before 30 are just not even near the top of their priorities.

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