Get It Through Your Head That Progressives Hate You – IOTW Report

Get It Through Your Head That Progressives Hate You

Town Hall/Kurt Schlichter: Some of you need to cease the denial and accept the harsh reality that the left hates you. It’s a fact, as much as the liberal gaslight gang and the conserva-sissy weakhearts deny it. You can tell that leftists hate you by the way that leftists tell you that they hate you.

Take Sarah Jeong, please – hey, the New York Times was happy to get this bitter creep onboard because of her history of virulent racism. The Times saw her hate as a plus, not a negative, an asset, not a liability. You can’t draw any other conclusion – if you take her tweets, trade out the word “white” – man, does she ever hate white people – and toss in some other skin hue you’d have a pink-haired millennial David Duke. And the NYT saw that and said, “Awesome, sign her up!”

You may think you know the deal about her prejudice, but you don’t really know the deal, not until you read the full extent of the Ku Klux Korean immigrant’s portfolio of bigoted tweetery. It’s not merely ugly, stupid, and immoral – it’s downright sociopathic. Yet the flagship of the floundering fleet that is America’s liberal media saw the iceberg and went full speed ahead.

We could go on about how if this was a conservative, he, she, or whatever the “groveling goblin” gender pronoun is, would be history, but we all know there is a double standard. What some of us have been unwilling to accept is why there is a double standard. Well, it’s because the people at the New York Times, and the liberal elite in general, agree with the hateful garbage Jeong and her pals dish out.

Progressives think that it’s okay to hate someone solely because of the color of his skin. They aren’t against racism – they are actively in favor of racism. Sure, they dress up their shameful prejudices with the kind of convoluted nonsense their associate professors of oppression studies taught them as sophomores, but it all comes down to the fact that they hate white people. Of course, they also hate black, Asian, and Latin people too, when such patriots dare embrace conservative values. So, in that way, liberals are equal opportunity racists.

Try this test: Ask a liberal, “Is it wrong to hate someone because of his race?”

Because we are not scumbag losers, we will answer, “Yes.” Liberals will give you a dissertation which eventually boils down to, “No.”  more here

12 Comments on Get It Through Your Head That Progressives Hate You

  1. “… toss in some other skin hue you’d have a pink-haired millennial David Duke.”

    Naw. Even Duke has better manners and more class than this retarded ape.

  2. “We don’t need moral victories, we need victory victories”.
    One problem is the tendency of candidates to betray the voters who put them in office. Like how so many rode the Tea Party wave to victory and immediately jumped in with establishment
    rinos and dims with their hatred of ‘regular’ Americans.
    We have a serious turncoat problem.

  3. I love the hard left because in about twenty years, they will far enough away from the future hard left that they will be made to suffer — which makes me happy.

  4. Mr.Sessions and his DOJ need to let loose the good agents of the FBI on the leftist, antifa, facist, progressives, socialist, and communist who are on the mission to destroy our nation.

  5. thug Mario Savio and his Goons of the Gate taught me this 54 years ago. I still remember! A lesson I had learned over 14 years earlier was the Press hates America. Mario’s vicious thuggery was reported in the Press just as the 1/17 inauguration thuggery was – “peaceful demonstrations”!
    Progressives have hated Americans for over 100 years! I am a proud American; so they hate me! Again I figured this out in ’63!


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