Get Out Of My Pub!!! – IOTW Report

Get Out Of My Pub!!!

9 Comments on Get Out Of My Pub!!!

  1. OT
    Pubs are Tied
    Freehouses are Private

    Go Figure 🙂

    Also, besides that Dingleberry down in LA, dressed in the Uncle Sam get-up, there are 2 more notables on that channel. A florida man that runs a grift op called Patriotskis Tavern. The dude is slickster shyster on steriods. Looks like a beezlebub or some other demon tht ran real estate schemes all over the panhandle back in the daze. He has a slicksturds brother, up Chicago way that ran as a (R) for some city council or some such. He was too lazy to actually campaign in between drunken cruises on his motorboat in some lake up there. Always excuses with these two. Excuse on top of excuse on top of excuse followed by a lengthy excuse for why he (and the other he) never could actually make it to whatever event was actually setup by unknowing but soon to find out quickly good samaritans that actually had fallen for the 100% grifturd s schemes at some point in the past. He was on the Ballot as Chris Moore and he claims to have lost because his opponent stole all 1 of the yardsign(s) (sic) that were put out for him. (But in reality, he blacked out on where he placed them(s) (sic) the next late afternoon / early evening when he woke up to do his podcast.)

    Who said the Internet is Not fun?

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