Get Out the Dragnets – Someone Peed On a Prayer Rug – IOTW Report

Get Out the Dragnets – Someone Peed On a Prayer Rug

I love how these incidents get top priority and STOP THE PRESSES urgency. An hour doesn’t go by where a Christian or a Jew is harassed, nobody G.A.S.


University of Michigan police are investigating destruction of property in the Shapiro Undergraduate Library after someone urinated on a rug used for prayer at the facility.

Police were called about 2 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 5 to a reflection room in the library, located at 919 S. University Avenue, according to the University of Michigan Division of Public Safety and Security’s crime log.

One of three people in the reflection room was reported to have urinated on a rug, police said. The individuals were gone when police arrived and facility staff were expected to clean the room.

 Diane Brown, spokeswoman for the division, confirmed the rug in question was designated for prayer use in the room. The university has several reflection rooms across campus that can be used by community members of all faiths for prayer or reflection.

The incident has been listed as malicious destruction of property with a bias motivation, she said. It remains under investigation.

We will not stand for racism or anti-Semitism at this University, or anywhere.

Neither will I, I’ll squat to pee.

HT/ Rob E.

31 Comments on Get Out the Dragnets – Someone Peed On a Prayer Rug

  1. Want to bet it was a goat that got overly sexually stimulated by the Muslim rape squad carrying out the Imam’s Fatwa declaring female goats fair game and peed on the rug due to intense excitement!

  2. “malicious destruction of property with a bias motivation” ?

    If the FBI can’t determine “intent” when a person puts our National Security at risk, how in the hell can these politically correct academic snowflakes know the motivations of someone taking a piss on a rug?

    Hey Brainiac, Wash the damn rug! Problem solved.

    Academic idiots piss me off.

  3. Frank’s right.
    You got any hair down there, show me some real art.
    Draw some caricatures of Mohammad like you get at the fair, big Mohammad head on a guy driving a go-cart, or some such

  4. Sharing a prayer rug is like sharing underwear.
    They’ze real FUCKED UP.

    Here, put your ass in the air and forehead right
    HERE, no, seriously, ass up, head down dude…..NO
    to the WEST dammit, get your ass up goddamnit!!

    I KILL YOU!!!!

  5. The Big Lebowski.

    “Walter, these Anarchists broke in and peed on my rug.”

    “Dude, that rug really tied the room together. ”

    “This aggression will not stand, man.”

    White Russians for everybody.

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