Get Ready, Folks – IOTW Report

Get Ready, Folks


You’d think by now the intern running the POTUS Twitter/X account would know better than to post something so easily meme’d and mocked. But they don’t. And we’re so grateful for it. More

18 Comments on Get Ready, Folks

  1. The whole concept of him preparing for anything is so ridiculous on it’s face. He has not demonstrated any retention skills, but what he can do is read a teleprompter……….sometimes.

    The strategy is simple, give him a horse size dose of nootropics, make the print real big, and if all else fails have Jamaal Bowman pull the fire alarm.

  2. I was going to send this to someone earlier and got caught up in errands but Vivek was on Megan Kelly last night and made a really, really great point about how we shouldn’t be acting like this Presidential race is against Biden – because no one believes it’s going to be him running but the Dems are playing out the clock acting like it’s going to be him.

  3. “Ladies and Gentlemen, the state of the Union is SHIT. I am not your legitimate president and furthermore, I am guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and should be tried for treason against the United States. Accordingly, I hereby resign from The Office of President effective immediately, along with cancelling my election campaign. That is all. Good night.”

  4. Expecting Demoniac Demwit Joe shaking hands at some point with his “ghost” writer and animator, Satan.

    It might be too much to expect a brain freeze, but his shouting “Get off my lawn” persona is bound to show up when blaming the border crisis and inflation, etc. on President Trump during Demoniac Demwit Joe’s State of the Ungoly, Disfunctional and Confused speech 2024.


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