Get ready for Congress’ annual Shutdown Theater Christmas Special – IOTW Report

Get ready for Congress’ annual Shutdown Theater Christmas Special

Conservative Review: As I’m writing this, Congress is shuffling back into town for the end-of-year session, which means that everyone’s gearing up for this year’s Shutdown Theater Christmas Special.

Yes, by now a largely choreographed fight over funding or “shutting down” the government is as much a part of the Advent season as peppermint-flavored novelties, Charlie Brown’s dinky Christmas tree, and overly busy career women learning the true meaning of the holiday from hometown hunks on the Hallmark Channel.

But, as always, there looms the threat of a small fraction of the federal government not functioning for an undefined period of time if certain demands aren’t met.

Here are the demands we’re dealing with (so far) this year:

Democrats want to use the shutdown clock to push for an apparently unconstitutional bill to protect special counsel Robert Mueller’s job. Following the appointment of acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, Democrats (and Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz.) have sounded the alarm about the need to insulate Mueller from being fired by the president who appointed him.

“I feel very strongly about protecting Bob Mueller,” Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., said in a recent interview. ”I think that I will look at any and all vehicles in order to do that. That goes to the question as to whether the president is above the law.”

Meanwhile, President Trump has also toyed with the idea of using the government shutdown as a means to get concessions from Democrats on border security. As recently as Thursday POTUS said that “there certainly could be” a shutdown if immigration concerns remain unaddressed by the December 7 deadline.

What didn’t make the list? Any concerted attempt by the GOP to address Obamacare’s lingering list of problems or Planned Parenthood funding.

What might make the list: This one is a big “maybe,” but keep an eye on the proposed trade deal between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. A group of GOP lawmakers has been pushing to get that fast-tracked before the House changes to Democratic control in January. If the administration heeds the request and proposes language by the end of the week, the question of its passage could throw another layer on top of the end-of-year negotiations.  MORE

10 Comments on Get ready for Congress’ annual Shutdown Theater Christmas Special

  1. I hope that Trump shuts it down, for a long, extended period. What does he have to lose — all they do is criticize him anyway, no matter what he does.

    Let all the ‘non-essential’ workers just go home and hang out, permanently…. what a concept!

  2. Negotiations? With the Dems in charge of the house again? Were there negotiations, ever, on any subject, when the Rino’s were running that entire clown show? Sure thing boss…

  3. Gladys

    In addition to your link, Jerome Corsi and Roger Stone have told Mueller to pound sand. Jerome Corsi was quoted as saying “Why would I sign it if it’s not true.” The Manafort thing looks like it’s ready to blow up in Muellers face. And it turns out Mueller is being criminally investigated in the state of Tenessee for setting up yet another innocent person. Mueller is a vile human being.

    As far as the Gov shut down, it’s not good for the military or military contractors. Like me. There’s been a ton of money appropriated for the military. But the money does not move with out the DLA. And the DLA are all civilian contractors that don’t get paid or show up for work during a shut down.

  4. The Budget used to be passed and took effect October 1 of every year. That requirement needs to be enforced since it is always put off until the end of the year and this Continuing Resolution or Minibus crap needs to stop.


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