Get Ready For the Democrat Tantrums After Release of Mueller Report – IOTW Report

Get Ready For the Democrat Tantrums After Release of Mueller Report

15 Comments on Get Ready For the Democrat Tantrums After Release of Mueller Report

  1. I was able to access by googling Mark Dice videos and then hitting Mark Dice you tube videos. Took a couple tries. All kinds of comments on you tube of people not able to see it.

  2. The anti-climatic bummer about all this is the Left and their RINO comrades are too stupidly arrogant to really appreciate just how much trouble they are really in. I fear we won’t get the opportunity to witness any genuine contrition. Sorta like that woman in an episode of “People Behaving Badly” where the Prius driver argued with three police officers about her speeding ticket (going 47 in a 30). In the end she even insisted the 30 MPH sign read 40.

  3. The Obese Naddler wanted the Starr Report kept under wraps because it contained shit that would further embarrass the Clintons.
    The Fat Naddler wants the Mueller Report released in full so as to pick through it and possibly embarrass President Trump.
    What a schmuck!

  4. The left shows no signs of learning anything yet. The spin loop continues on for them. They must be spending most of their time working on attacking the POTUS and not addressing actual American issues and problems. And we pay them??

  5. The media NPcs on the radio this morning are taking a break from bitching about Barr and demanding the whole Mueller Manifesto. They’re all excited about the Assange Frog March and how he’s going to Implicate Trump & Stuff. I wonder if they’ve thought about what might come out in the discovery phase of Assange’s trial. Probably not. Mueller wasn’t interested in what Kimdotcom had to say, and Mueller probably didn’t want to hear what Assange had to say, either. Kind of funny how Assange gets scooped up just after Mueller wraps up.

  6. Perry is right. The demos are getting paid for attacking our President. Didn’t they swear an oath?

    They would scream if they didn’t get paid. But what have they done but throw fits??

    Did I see Nancy Pelosi raise her little angry, tight fist in the video? She is amazing.


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