“get the **** out of my neighborhood” – IOTW Report

“get the **** out of my neighborhood”

Finally. More of this please.

ht/ c. steven tucker

42 Comments on “get the **** out of my neighborhood”

  1. @Hank Ford — Sheesh, are you never happy? I’d say mano y mano, the antifa guy is still way out-matched. That’s why antifa needs to throw shit at their victims.

  2. Most of the comments on Twitter are saying the guy is a fascist who does not believe in the First Amendment and That blocking streets is a perfectly acceptable form of protest. In other words, leftists have right, no one else does.

  3. Nothing says “don’t f*ck with me” more than looking the pantywaste in the eye and coldcocking him. No hesitation.

    That was very entertaining.

  4. The AntiFa/riot supporters’ logic on Twitter is shocking how upside down it is. Our world view and theirs is completely incompatible.

    Seattle is targeted for fire and destruction this weekend. After midnight the SPD are not permitted to use riot batons or shields. Insanity.

  5. This will continue to escalate until that one man is joined by dozens, if not hundreds and the punks sent home all bloodied and beaten.

    To hell with the police, the mayor and the city council. Let’s make it a “cultural war” between people – a bloody street fight to the end.

    “Get out of MY neighborhood!”
    “Get out of MY city!”

  6. “Never leave home with your brass knucks!”

    Interestingly, Texas has legalized their use recently.

    This is good advice, considering the helmets that you might nick as you target the softer spots. I suggest leather gloves, too. Helps keep your skin intact.

  7. Frankly the kid blocking the road was some scrawny runt who’s mixed up and trying to be in sinc with his peers. The real antifa punks are easily identifiable in most cases and come armed with some sort of weapon. That’s who to focus on, not some dipshit confused teen.
    I want to unload on one of the tough guys out there, the ones hurting old people and destroying property.

  8. These people have a right to protest in the streets. I have a right and privilege to drive on the streets. I have a vehicle weighing thousands of pounds. They have bicycles weighing tens of pounds.

    I like my chances.

  9. Aren’t these the same punks who, last year, were saying that words are violence? If so, isn’t our man just meeting the violence of their words with the actual violence of his fists?

    I say completely justified.

  10. For little punks like this it would be more fun to squirt them down with expanding foam The stuff is near impossible to get off your skin} or some aerosol adhesive. You can also purchase fox or some other animals urine in a bottle that hunters use to mask their scent. The stuff is highly concentrated and it’ll knock you over.
    May as well make counter protesting fun and fulfilling!

  11. gin blossom, another good stinky product is called “Liquid Ass”. You have to be careful not to get any on yourself. It would be fun soak those little bastards with anything that stunk like hell! A buddy of mine had a bunch of poorly behaved young people move into a family neighborhood. He sprayed some liquid ass around the house and they spent a week with a backhoe digging up the yard looking for a sewer leak.

  12. Mark my words, it’s only a matter of time before someone with PTSD goes full Travis Bickel. Government in Seattle, or Portland, think that facilitating anarchy is cute, smart and funny. It is nothing of the sort. When someone finally snaps they are going to feign shock, but keep in mind that is the response they are looking for and expect to get. You have to trust me on this, I have been observing the political dynamic in Seattle for decades.

    It seems to any normal person that this would be counterproductive, but we are not dealing with rocket surgeons here. These Seattle/King County/Portland string pullers are narcissistic morons. Ideologically driven low IQ malicious, maladjusted malcontents with a messianic complex. Not a good combination. A downright dangerous combination and people who should never have been trusted in any position of power.

  13. Good for him! You block my way to freely travel on a public road; you are threatening my life. The best way to stop a potentially violent attack is to enhance the violence much more quickly and violently than those wishing you harm.

  14. @ joe6pak JULY 24, 2020 AT 4:48 PM

    Not recommended for this application. I checked their website: During beta testing in Portland Oregon they had ANTIFAs coming from down wind and rolling in it like a dog on rotting fish. It appeared that all 57 genders of ANTIFAs Wear it as perfume used to attract a mate.

  15. From Dadof4: ““Never leave home with your brass knucks!”

    Interestingly, Texas has legalized their use recently.

    This is good advice, considering the helmets that you might nick as you target the softer spots. I suggest leather gloves, too. Helps keep your skin intact.”

    Dad, no. If you have to use your hands against an opponent, it should be a very last resort. Elbows, knees, feet. In that order. Hands have the smallest, weakest bones. Don’t damage yourself by doing this wrong. If you use your feet, don’t kick, stomp with the heel. Sensible shoes are always a plus.

  16. Eventually somebody is going to snap and they’re going to open fire on these bastards and there won’t be one left standing.
    Normally I’d feel sorry for those shot, but I think I would feel sorrier for the guy who does snap.

  17. I have a helluva punch, Lowell, and I know where to aim. No one has lined up for a second dose, even without brass knuckles. Being the youngest in the family, I learned where all the hurty control points are on the body.

    But I’ll use whatever’s best in the moment. My elbows and such are very “hurt-able” as I have found out before. They are not impervious to injury and may incapacitate the use of that limb in toto.

    Use whatever you are adept with. Physical contact, for me now*, is a last resort. I have the ability to touch many of them from a distance and have no qualms about it with an enemy like this. A force multiplier rather than one on one.

    “..don’t kick, stomp with the heel.”

    Steel toe boots, Lowell, steel toe boots. Pointy cowboys boots can be a bit deadly, though. Pointed hits can do a lot of serious internal damage.

    I know you’re a brother and I want you in my camp. We’re just going over details at the moment.

    *cue up: https://youtu.be/ldQrapQ4d0Y?t=62


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