Get to the Extraction Point! – IOTW Report

Get to the Extraction Point!

Daily Caller

The Biden administration plans to charter at least one evacuation flight out of Haiti, but only for stranded Americans who can reach the exfiltration point at their own risk, the State Department announced Saturday.

The State Department is “arranging a charter flight for U.S. citizens” to escape Haiti, which has descended into chaos as criminal gangs fight in the streets for control of the Caribbean nation, the agency announced. Because the airport in Port-au-Prince — the Haitian capital, the largest city in the country and scene of the worst fighting — has been shut down, the State Department is planning to fly Americans out of Cap-Haitien, but only if stranded Americans are able to get to Cap-Haitien in time on their own. More

16 Comments on Get to the Extraction Point!

  1. Nothing the Xiden administration declares can be believed.
    More than likely they are making sure the new Haitian cannibal dictator has enough military arms, vehicles and possible aircraft to complete his mission…just like they did for the Taliban. This is another opportunity to destabilizing the world.
    Americans stuck in that centuries old hellhole will be abandoned. Few will even make it to Cap-Haitien or board a plane for home if they get there.

  2. 99th Squad Leader,
    I think you hit your head on the nail.

    From Biden and our “government” – nothing but Lies and Damned Lies.

    Pretend to do something while pushing the World into Chaos and Pandemonium.
    Arming our enemies and abandoning our citizens.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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