Getting Emails Asking For My “Vast Expertise” On What’s Going On With Mueller, Cohen, Sessions and Trump – IOTW Report

Getting Emails Asking For My “Vast Expertise” On What’s Going On With Mueller, Cohen, Sessions and Trump

I have no special knowledge and I’m putting this post up because I’m sure the readers will have better input.

My take on what is going on is that the Mueller investigation has yielded nothing in the “collusion” department. The left has convinced themselves of this reality and will not stand for a report that says Trump is clean.

They are now harassing Trump, goading him into firing Mueller. It’s the best they can do. They want to be able to say that Mueller was “just about” to prove Trump is dirty but Trump fired him.

This, in their minds, doesn’t make them look like fools.

I feel like our president is getting frustrated, and I fear if things continue like this he might announce he might consider not running in 2020. I’m not sure he would be telling the truth, but I think he might float something out there to see what the response would be.

All I know is that the left is fracturing this country because they lost at the ballot box. And if they think they can wake up one day and have the house, the senate, and the white house and all they will face are threats of boycotts and some right-wing pimple-faced 17 year old organizing protests… think again.

There will be… drama. So I suggest the left stop what they are doing. They are not going to rip up the constitution, open the borders, confiscate wealth to give away to parasites and all the while say straight white men are the problem that needs to be eradicated while we roll over and play dead.



23 Comments on Getting Emails Asking For My “Vast Expertise” On What’s Going On With Mueller, Cohen, Sessions and Trump

  1. When Congress asked Mueller what the scope of his investigation is, and he wouldn’t answer, everyone with an average IQ or better knew there was a serious problem.

    When Rosenstein’s secret ex post facto ass-covering memo was released, directing Mueller to act in his duties as a special prosecutor effectively without any limits on investigative scope, alarms started going off.

    Special prosecutors are required to have a very narrow investigative scope. Mueller, on the other hand, has apparently conspired with Rosestein to absurdly expand the scope of the investigation into a de facto (unconstitutional) general warrant.

  2. We get closer to a civil war every day. The left could murder 1,000 people in broad daylight and no one would even investigate it – they would be set free. Conversely, if Trump so much as yawns, the left will bust him and invent a crime. It’s the criminals versus the good guys and I am beginning to think the criminals might just win, particularly since the criminals have bought Jeff Sessions, or should I say Benedict Arnold Sessions.

  3. They are playing a very dangerous game of chicken, and have been since at least 2007. They will just keep going until someone stops them — and then they will get ugly.

    The “deep state” has been proceeding as though Hillary won. All their set piece moves are going forward as planned. They really don’t have game plan for Trump, so they go with this slapped together contingency.

    Really, Senate Republicans forced Trump to put in deep state operatives in the majority of Cabinet appointments. He is only now getting around to cleaning house.

    I hope DeVos is on the list for replacement. She has made no substantive changes to the direction Education has been taking the past 40 years, and greatly accelerated under Obama.

    Sessions may have made an error in recusing himself, but it may also be the one way to get out of this without provoking widespread violence. Without clear support from Senate Republicans, it wouldn’t have mattered if he did not recuse himself. He would have been force out after the Comey firing.

  4. Mueller is a lawyer, all he cares about is the win. The win can be described as destroying as many lives as possible on the other side while covering the crimes by his side. So far, he is accomplishing his mission all on the undisclosed taxpayers dime. An insurance policy for the secret society. People with no conscience, no notion of right or wrong, just us vs them.

  5. “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams 1798.
    Atheists have infiltrated our Government and that’s the problem. Taking our country back from them is a bigger problem. It will require more than just votes; it will require flame throwers at some point.

  6. The left has been fracturing this country since the 50’s. It has only been lately that they got bold enough to think the average American wouldnt notice.

    Trump may be frustrated but he likes a good fight and he loves a good win. I see no downside to firing any or all of these clowns except they quit looking stupid. Could be that he his letting them expose all of the colluding Democrats in the FBI

  7. Trump will stay the course as long as the good people of America stand with him. He is tougher than most. He truly loves the country. He’s weird, I grant, but he’s America’s Churchill, in time of need. No one else could do what he’s doing. ….Lady in Red

  8. I’m with BB. I’m going with what Q says.

    I suspect Wray, Rosenstein, and others (maybe Mueller too) were turned “State’s Evidence” before they were placed.

    My suspicion is that the Mueller attack dog focused on Trump visual(may be) a ruse. And Mueller’s hiring of all high profile Democrat prosecutors might have more to do with committing them to secrecy rather than to get Trump.

    Just IMAGINE the lefty SHOCK AND HORROR if Trump pulled this off on them.

    Every time I worried Trump had a blind side, I came to realize he knew exactly what was going on. This has been planned for more than 3 years by some of the world’s finest tacticians. I just wish we would get to the big reveal.

  9. The left is desperate and have to to everything and play every card they have to dispose of Trump. Their taunted blue wave is probably not what they think it will be and with the outing of the deep state, boarder control and the cleanup of elections they will be done. They are going for it all this time.
    I look for us to hold the house and pick up seats in the senate.

  10. The vast majority of conservatives are faithful believers, not magical thinkers. We knew that Trump’s election would be the beginning of the fight against the evils of the Left, not the end. The whole of western society, from Homer to Harry Potter, is the story of battle against the forces of darkness. Rather than shrink from our appointment with History, we must fiercely join the battle and beat the Left back to the gates, keeping always in mind that there is no other place on earth for us to flee if we lose. This is the everlasting greatness of America. And it is ironic that the genuine Utopia of man’s greatest freedom was conceived of and made manifest here, but the Left — the self-styled lovers of Utopia — are unable to grasp the significance and reality of that.

  11. Mueller’s recent raid on Michael Cohens offices, residence and hotel room is a horrifying step outside of his scope of investigations. He and his fellow witchhunters should be terminated immediately.
    This is not in any way a investigation into Russian collusion anymore but simple muckraking. Who cares if DJT had or did not have a affair twelve years ago.
    This raid is an blatant abuse of power with one intention, to smear the president.

  12. I’m going to continue to believe that Q is a better source of information than anything else we have out there. Can we trust the media, the FBI, the DOJ? I trust Trump. Am I frustrated? Hell yes! I’ll continue to “trust the plan” but can’t they speed it up a little?


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