Getting Fired Up – IOTW Report

Getting Fired Up


On the verge of the first votes being cast in a primary contest with no clear leader, 66% of Democrats report anxiety about the election, compared with 46% of Republicans. Democrats are also more likely to feel frustration. Republicans, meanwhile, are more likely than Democrats to declare excitement about the race, and the share of enthusiastic Republicans appears to be rising. More

17 Comments on Getting Fired Up

  1. GETTING fired up?!?
    Trump has been working that angle EVERY DAY since he came into office!
    More & more Americans are being convinced (42% BLACK support!!!) that this is the President we’ve waited our whole lives for. LANDSLIDE, baby!

    And…the Democrats?!
    Well, it’s now clear the Dem Establishment shoved D’OH! Biden into the race as a “foil” for the political lynching – err…I mean – impeachment effort. BUT: now that *that’s* failed, Joe can be removed from the stage. It’s already started.
    What they have left: Adolf Bloomie, and whatever inserted-in-the-last-second fool who thinks they can lose *less-badly* to Trump in November.

  2. My neighbor has gone beyond anxiety into despondency.
    She has already booked a stay in her safe space on election night.
    If I use her as the measure, I’m getting ready to throw the biggest party my block has ever seen.

  3. I share the enthusiasm for Trump’s win but also realize we can’t just assume it will happen . The Democrats will be doing everything they can to stop it -legal and illegal.

    We need to win with so many votes that the crybabies can’t question its legitimacy in any way. They have already started that narrative

    You know they are not done with impeachment

  4. Another source of Dem anxiety that’s delightful to watch is the rise in support of Bernie the Commie Mooch despite all of the nefarious machinations of the Dem “insiders” and “power brokers”. It’s positively guffaw-worthy.

  5. Al, I’m honestly waiting for the convention. All this hype and the constant small outbursts… there HAS to be some ultra violence or I’m not keeping up with the dems any more.

    They’re such teases.

  6. @BB “…My anxiety stems from the massive amount of voter fraud we are about to see. That and DJTs safety…”

    Make no doubt about it, there WILL be voter fraud. It’s been in place since Obumphuk’s second term re-election. The left didn’t need to use it then because of all the guilt-laden white liberals, who voted in the magic negro to make them feel better about themselves. And it wasn’t implemented in 2016 because, well, Shrillery was heir to the thrown and the confidence level was such that no tactical fraud measures were thought to be required.

    But! 2016 is a different story altogether. There is no heir to the thrown, the democrat field is pathetically weak and Trump is on a major roll.

    Katie bar the door and watch out, because the left will be pulling out every dead voter they have in their data base, AND we will find out that there are really 25 million illegal immigrants instead of the 11 million number used by every news outlet.

  7. @Aaron Burr – Hoo-boy! You just goosed my fantasy generator! Images from the stage at the convention…

    — Bernie choking Lizzie to death with a mic cord

    — Poofter Pete anally raping Bloomie

    — Joey ripping of Amy’s blouse and motor-boating her boobs

    — Yang jamming a pair of chopsticks through Steyer’s eyes

    …and all on LIVE TV!

    (It’s human nature to have an occasional violent fantasy, but the civilized man knows to be polite. I simply try to make my fantasies as colorful as possible.)

  8. @Aaron Burr:

    Al, I’m honestly waiting for the convention. All this hype and the constant small outbursts… there HAS to be some ultra violence…

    [emphasis added]

    ……um…… I was just sorta’ figurin’ on some scuffles in the streets, maybe some mic jacking… occasional round of tear gas…

    But you do you, Al.

    The laddy doth protest too much.
    It was you, my friend, who called for “ultra violence” (-:


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