Ghostbusters Reboot Trailer – IOTW Report

Ghostbusters Reboot Trailer

This thing looks like an unfunny agenda-heavy dog.


The trailer has been outĀ for 3 days and has over 18 million views. But look at the viewer ratings.

The TDs have spoken.




Sargon of Akkad comments on what is going to make this a disaster film Here

Caution: Language

20 Comments on Ghostbusters Reboot Trailer

  1. It may appease some femiNazis, but nobody will see it and the studio will see nothing but red ink.
    Hollywood makes a lot of mistakes, but they usually remember that the bottom line is priority #1 and at least try for something that will sell.

  2. Can’t wait for the all female remake of Full Metal Jacket…

    Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: “Are you a peter puffer?!!!…”

    Private Cowgirl: “What?…”

    Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: “Do you suck dicks?!!!…”

    Private Cowgirl: “Well… If he’s cute… and polite… and buys me dinner… then… Sure!… I suppose so…”

  3. Re-boots, with rare exception (like The Thomas Crown Affair) are seldom all that. In other cases, they are desperate efforts. This, from what I’ve seen, is much worse. Exactly what is the point?

  4. I guess everything that made “Bridesmaids” so funny in 2011 is too problematic for 2016. Things are devolving quicker than I thought. But I should have known this when they put that insufferably perfect superchick Rey in the latest “Star Wars” product.

  5. looks like another hollywood blockbuster for sure. not.

    girl scientists? at least the original was possible if not likely.

    everybody gets guy humor, no one but girls get girl humor.

    fart jokes and male stupidity, yes! three stooges.

    wardrobe and period jokes, huh? golden girls.

  6. I was thinking that we have been so condition to NOT view women as proper and well mannered that when you see them behavior boorishly we don’t fine the behavior against the norm either shocking, interesting and certainly not funny.

    Modern day feminist scolds have sucked all the humor out of anything remotely associated norms for women.

  7. The point of remakes: desperation. Just like the political elite, we are no longer so gullible buying what they sell. High box office prices coupled with the denied recession, have made wiser spending choices imperative.

    There is plenty of great written material to make into movies. Get back to the story, drop the ridiculous salaries of the elitist actors and get new blood and real talent in all aspects of movie making and drop the damn box office and concession prices. Taking a family to a movie is ridiculously costly! But make better movies, not damn reboots.

  8. Hollywood’s been making remakes since the days of silent film. Occasionally they get it right, as they did with the 1939 version of The Wizard of Oz, a remake of the 1925 version. At any rate, I don’t see it stopping anytime soon.

  9. I suspect that this will be a dog at the theatres and look like it lost a pile of money but with the murky Hollywood accounting systems the studio’s use I’ll bet they actually make a few real bucks while dragging a nice, big juicy tax loss provision on the books.

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