Ghoul Shares Lullaby From Her Aborted Child – IOTW Report

Ghoul Shares Lullaby From Her Aborted Child

The Daily Caller –

A woman sang a creepy lullaby offering love to the baby she aborted at an event blessing an abortion clinic, according to a video uploaded to YouTube Tuesday.

“About two weeks before my abortion was scheduled, I started having visions and talking to the spirit of the child that I believe had come to me,” the woman said in the video. “And I remember in the clinic when I was waiting for the operation, or the procedure, a song came to me … it was a pretty little lullaby.” More

48 Comments on Ghoul Shares Lullaby From Her Aborted Child

  1. Bring it on, you Forced Birthers!

    I know: you support freedom of choice, opinion, thought on all matters — except Forced Birthing. Then, you become the fascist police, even snooping in trash cans, to verify that miscarriages were not induced….. ….”Aha! a possible charge of murder here.”

    (I’ll give you: this woman’s “expression” is a tad strange, out of the mainstream, but your ridicule and fascism is worse.) …Lady in Red

  2. @Lady in Red December 13, 2018 at 8:18 pm

    > Bring it on, you Forced Birthers!

    “Forced birth” is like “Russian collusion” — just because you stick the words together, doesn’t mean they actually mean anything.

  3. Nah, Brad. God and I are on pretty good terms. It’s the fascists and the Pharisees — the folk who feel they are pure and who need to control the affairs of others (about whom they usually know nothing) — who need to consider the possibility of Hell. ….Lady in Red

  4. Uncle Al….. “…an unborn child as person with the same inalienable rights as any other person….” EXCEPT the full grown woman who, suddenly, has no rights at all beyond those of oven, or incubator.

    I’m sorry, Uncle, but I believe your values and standards and priorities are tilted, upside down, even. ….Lady in Red

  5. LIR

    Wouldn’t it be easier just putting a rubber on that erect penis? Seems to me an abortion is an expensive form of birth control. Unless of course, you’re not paying for it.

  6. Brad….. It would be easier if the moon were made of cream cheese and we all could get a sliver before bedtime.

    That does not justify turning an adult woman who does not wish to birth into an incubator to please your fascist control fancy. Sorry. ….Lady in Red

  7. Dear Lady In Red,
    Please consider this:
    If your mother had aborted you at ANY point during her pregnancy, you wouldn’t be here. What if she had thought you would be too much of a burden, and just casually aborted you because that was the easy thing to do?
    Think of your amazing luck that you had a mother who loved you so much, even while in her womb, that she allowed you to live.
    Everyone else who frequents this site are grateful they had such loving mothers, and believe every one of those millions of babies aborted over the years deserved the chance to breathe on this earth like they have.
    If that can’t sink in maybe you shouldn’t post here any more.

  8. LIR – I offered no exceptions among persons with rights. Your assumption that the special case of a pregnant woman places her somehow outside personhood is incorrect. You read far more into what I wrote than you properly should have.

  9. I don’t wish to fight you Forced Birther Fascists; have at the woman with your snickers and jeers.

    I detest the fascists on the left, controlling speech and thought, and I detest the right wing fascists every bit as much.

    You may now proceed with your jeers about this “ghoul.” I’m outta here.
    ….Lady in Red

    PS: Jethro, I am overwhelmed by your comment, speechless, as it were. Breathe on.

  10. How can someone bless an abortion clinic without bringing down the wrath of God? These people are truly sick. What they’re really asking is for Baal or Molech or some other blood thirsty false deity to bless their evil deeds, may God have mercy on them Baal and Molech won’t.

  11. Jethro, you have my support. Sorry uncle al, you’re way wrong. I won’t even say what I think about lir. It’d probably get me kicked out of here.
    Keep rocking Jethro.
    As an after though, I haven’t been called a fascist in a long time. But thanks lir for reminding me, it’s an honor coming from the likes of you.

  12. Last night I sat in the ER waiting room and I saw a man and woman bring in a mentally handicapped teenage girl who was ill. You could tell she was in pain and scared. Both parents patiently comforter her as they waited for their turn for treatment. She couldn’t speak but she was making faint pleading sounds that her father seemed to comprehend. He spoke soothing words to her. There was never a moment that I saw a hint of frustration or anger in either parent – just love.
    That father is a better man than I.
    Some people would watch what I witnessed and think “they should have just aborted her”. I admired their love and committment.
    As I left I prayed for them.

  13. Don’t have unprotected sex with someone whom you do not intend to help raise the child if that happens. Exceptions for rape and incest are just that. Exceptions. They do not make up the major part of aborted lives.
    Just for sex.
    All this just for the ability to have indiscriminate sex.
    Fookin sad.
    This lady, mentally ill.
    I don’t buy into her trip

  14. There are few things in this world sadder than a woman who can be convinced to kill her own baby. It is an act against God, or if you prefer, an act against nature. Women who do so, must live with that guilt for the rest of their lives. Some try to convince themselves that it is not really a human, but just a clump of tissue. Some even convince themselves that they are on “pretty good terms” with God. But unless they recognize what they have done and seek God’s forgiveness, they will not be on pretty good terms with Him.

  15. I always lurk only yet have a comment for LIR: I’m a Buddhist of 35 years (Nichiren Shoshu). So no Theist axe to grind here. You see the issue of abortion as if not having one was an infringement of your “rights”. Perhaps that case could be made, yet denying abortion is a form of murder is self-delusion. People don’t feel deep desires to sing lullabies to unviable tissue masses, to long lost toenail clippings. Science and the human heart are not with you on this one.

    Does a society have a “right” to outlaw a form of murder? I think it is hard to deny that a society does.

    Therefore those who disagree with you on whether it should be outlawed are not advocating an infringement of your rights, but advocating you not infringe those of another human being at the most fundamental level. A society could choose differently, however, the majority of people who read and post here disagree with you.

    In my opinion, part of your issue is your expectations of “rights” are at odds with fundamental facts of nature – you do not have a right to flap your arms and fly to the moon.

    Having sex brings with it the risk of a pregnancy.

    My recommendation: don’t have sex with someone you would not want to raise a child with or who would not want to do the same with you. Or be ready to have a kid solo.

    Infringing your “rights”? I think you misunderstand a desire to escape responsibility for your actions as they effect your fellow humans for a “right”. You want the right to consequenceless sex. Good luck with that! It doesn’t exist IMHO.

    I’ll pray for you in my.own way as it is obvious you are in pain regarding this issue.

  16. okay, i have had it with “lady” in red….

    you, madame, are no “lady”……apparently, you are in favor of the wholesale slaughter of the unborn, and THAT, if i must say so myself, is NOT a ladylike position…..

    in these United States today, there is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE for getting pregnant “by accident”… birth control is available EVERYWHERE..

    the song this woman sang is by john lennon…i’m not really a fan, but……it’s a song to his mom, who left him to others to raise, but AT LEAST SHE DIDN’T KILL HIM…….he still loves her…you know why????


    i’m pretty sure lennon wasn’t writing a song to thank his mom for not aborting him, but it’s the same thing…..

    as a rape victim who brought her baby into the world because THE CHILD DID NOT RAPE ME, she was the most innocent bystander imaginable……i object to abortion….i find abortion to be one of the most abhorrent practices possible….

    lady in red is dead to me…..course, she doesn’t care……she would have aborted me long ago, had she the chance……

    not anonymous…’s me, chuckie


  17. “forced birthers”…..that’s rich, that is…..

    you get that from “roe v wade,” did ya?….when the dad wanted the kid, but the mom didn’t????…so “forcing her to BIRTH the baby she conceived of her own free will” was forcing her body into slavery to the dad’s will???? (dads have no rights)

    kinda like “FORCED CONCEPTIONS”…..


    nobody FORCED the woman to get pregnant….as i have pointed out before, there is no excuse for getting pregnant “by accident” in this country today…..except rape, and in that case, the most innocent person involved is the conceived child….you cannot get the death penalty for the rapist, but everyone seems willing to execute the CHILD…….

    lady in red thinks killing babies is an acceptable form of birth control….,

    i do not…….women have control of their bodies; they DO IT or they DO NOT DO IT…..if they DO IT, they accept the consequences…..

    and they are NOT allowed to kill babies just because they couldn’t be bothered with birth control……

    except apparently, they ARE allowed to kill babies…..because SHUT UP……..

    of course, we should really be looking this from a toadly different perspective….we have aborted lots and lots of babies since roe….that means so very many children have gone straight to heaven, having never had the opportunity to sin!!!

    yeah, NO…..just…..NO……their mommies killed them, plain and simple….

  18. hey brad…. not my fault…..i signed my name at the end….couldn’t edit it after hitting send… know, i kinda thought saying YO, THIS IS ME CHUCKIE would get the message through…but maybe not……

    i don’t use “some damn anonymous tag” except when the autofill doesn’t fill in my name….i’m forgetful enough to not check it every single time……sorry if this offends you…..

  19. LIR
    ” Forced Birther Fascists”

    You should avoid the next Antifa protest. I’m just telling you this as a courtesy because you occasionally post dumb ass shit here. But I promise you, your pals are gonna get hurt. Wouldn’t feel right not warning you however this will be the last time.

  20. If only “Dreams of my Father” had been based on this, would we have been subjected to the worst POTUS ever?
    The original title of which was
    “Who’s your Daddy?”

    Destination – Hell
    U.S.Customs – Passport – Check
    Southworst Air – Boarding Pass – Check

    Been here before

  21. Lady in Red, why dont you send a powerful message to all these posters by aborting yourself…. you will find it liberating and it will break the cycle if the institutionalized power differential being imposed on you. Try the Decades After Pills, they come in mostly any mix of a variety of prescription bottles and a few handfuls of your choosing will likely work. Give it a try….

  22. Well, I am pleased to have diverted attention away from the “ghoul” you all had intended to jeer and damn with your verbal stones. (You know: there are places in the world where women are not merely damned to twenty years of servitude to an unwanted child, but where…. ….she is actually *stoned* to death — literally, really! — for her sexual crime. Yesh!)

    Why didn’t you use a condom doesn’t cut it in those places, Brad! ….smile…

    There is no one, ever, I suspect, Jethro, who would have watched the scene you witnessed in an ER waiting room and sneered, “Why didn’t those loving parents just abort that child?” Mostly, people on my side of the thought world are happy — if you are happy — with choices you make in life, and we wish you love and happiness.

    Problems arise (in my mind) when the sanctimonious crowd with all the right answers for everyone else starts laying out rules, without an appreciation of cultural subjectivity. That’s called fascism: I have a right to control you, your choices.

    You know: in Korea they eat dogs. Yep. It’s cultural and, as long as the animal is killed humanely — and used as food — it’s really none of our business. Mostly, Koreans don’t go around insisting that *you* eat dog.

    Buddhists and Hindus often feel that the cow is sacred. ….rather like a fetus, perhaps? They won’t kill one. It’s cultural. And, they know that others in the world do not share their thinking and actually treasure a good lean beef steak.

    I have no problem with your need to birth all the children you conceive. Go for it.

    I have trouble with the sanctimonious position that you have the right to make the sexual rules for all the people in the world at all times.

    I have trouble with your naive belief that, if only the woman would just birth the little bugger, she will turn into a loving devoted mother, abandon her drug addiction and become a Crusader for Christ.

    I have trouble with your ridiculous idea that giving an unwanted child an “opportunity” to be tossed against walls, abused and tortured and, perhaps, finally killed but that “at least he had an opportunity to breathe” for nine short months is humane. Say what? That is a superior “life option” than pre-birth abortion?

    You live in a Disney fairy tale of happy skipping bunnies and singing frogs and dancing deer. Nature — and people — are often cruel and/or confused. Sometimes, even for the old, death is not pretty, surrounded with adoring family.

    I hate, despise, the pompous sanctimony. And, I always will. I wish I could inspire more of you to think honestly about the way the world really works.
    ….Lady in Red

  23. Killing a baby doesn’t make you not pregnant anymore. It makes you the mother of a dead baby. How utterly sad that children are called choices. They are people, tiny wonderful people. I weep for them and their brainwashed mothers. This is my single issue. Praise Jesus for LIFE and afterlife.

  24. Hot off the presses: another helpless infant “blessed.”

    Man who broke baby’s leg pleads guilty,

    – A man who became so frustrated with his newborn baby that he broke her leg pleaded guilty Thursday in Augusta County Circuit Court to a charge of malicious wounding.

    Angel J. Contreras, 23, of Staunton, will be sentenced April 9.

    Alexandra Meador, an Augusta County assistant prosecutor, said Contreras was living at the Mint Spring Apartments earlier this year on Feb. 2 when he injured his baby by twisting her leg until he heard a “pop.”

    The baby, just 20 days old, was taken to Augusta Health in Fishersville. Hospital officials notified Child Protective Services, who in turn contacted the Augusta County Sheriff’s Office, according to Meador.

    When questioned by authorities, Contreras initially denied injuring his child. However, he later admitted to becoming frustrated after being sleep deprived and said he broke her femur with his hands, Meador said.

    At a previous hearing, Meador said a doctor testified “a significant amount of force is involved in that.”

    At the time of Contreras’ arrest, the sheriff’s office reported the baby also had a skull fracture and a broken arm. Meador said the baby had other injuries but said Contreras only admitted to breaking the baby’s leg. The prosecutor also said the femur fracture was the only injury that was determined to be non-accidental.

    A second charge of child abuse was not prosecuted, and Meador noted that a conviction on the charge would not have significantly altered the defendant’s sentencing guidelines.

    Contreras remains at Middle River Regional Jail.

    He faces a maximum of 20 years in prison.

  25. The internet is no place to argue your point because you’ve already made your mind up and so has the other person.

    That said, killing a baby because they might have a hard or unkind life is an evil thought to have, let alone support or act on.

    A fetus will always grow into a baby. Never will it grow into a tree or a tumor or a chicken or whatever.
    So being guilted into not committing murder or no, it doesn’t change the fact that it is murder.
    Adoption exists, and in many cases abortion is in fact a far more damaging and difficult a process than birthing.
    (They make the woman birth out the dead placentia regardless so I mean really now.)

    Sex makes babies, it’s a natural thing. It’s the end result of what was intended to be a private, singular relationship between a man and a woman. Not a woman and multiple partners.

    If you don’t want to get pregnant use protection, have sex either less often or with just one steady partner and not a bunch of strangers, and use PROTECTION.

    Abortion as birth control is the most evil thing our country has ever normalized.

  26. The problem with @Lady in Red’s position, as an argument, is the insistence on defining some kinds of people as not people.

    If you (any of you) are in favor of prophylactic killing, good on you.

    Some will say *very* good on you!

    – Aloha Snackbar

  27. No, Anonymous Pet: my argument is that, since the beginning of time, people and sacred dogs and sacred cows have been defined by culture.

    Women who do not wish to birth — for any reason! — are to be respected. To force them, otherwise, is fascist, and evil. ….Lady in Red

  28. @Pelopidas & geoff the aardvark

    And just like in Biblical times, the murdered fetuses are incinerated as part of the sacrifice ritual.

    Satan and his demons are here.

  29. @Lady in Red December 14, 2018 at 11:00 am

    Yazidis who come under control of Islamists will have a very unpleasant (very likely, artificially foreshortened) rest of their lives.

    No human being (which racistly excludes trolls, I know) insists (even suggests), that we must, therefore, accept always open, no tag limit, hunting of Yazidis.

    It doesn’t matter what some (though, clearly, not all) Yazidis’ remainder of life will be. It doesn’t matter how distraught the subjugated Islamists (denied their exercise of free will, upon their Yazidis) will be.

    There is, however, some (minority) consensus on hunting Islamists who (even support) the taking of Yazidis.

  30. lady in red….

    your continual posts of how horrible parents treat their children DO NOT excuse abortion…..

    i strongly suspect that you have no children…..any woman who posts the kind of things you continually post could not possible have children of her own…..

    i have kids of my own….one was the product of rape…..

    also, lost two little babies before they were born, to miscarraiges….they have names, even though they were never born….

    have you ever bothered to have a child?….

    or are you just talking the talk???

    hey lookit this…i’m about to remember to fill in my name and all….

    when you gonna fix this, fur????

  31. okay….last comment….

    lady in red, whoever that is, does not believe a child in the womb is a human being, worthy of the protections due to any human being….

    i believe a child in the womb is a human being, worthy of all the protections guaranteed to every other human being by our Constitution….the very first right we enumerated was “THE RIGHT TO LIFE”…apparently, lady in red does not believe in that right to life…

    as i have many times made clear in the pages,
    i got pregnant as a result of being raped….almost all yall are willing to kill off my kid, because she was conceived by rape….i’m the VICTIM of the rape, and i am here to tell you, THAT BABY DID NOT DESERVE TO BE EXECUTED because of what her daddy did to me….

    i bore that little child to term, and gave her up to adoption, because I KNEW IT WAS NOT HER FAULT I WAS RAPED…..


    yet you all are always happy to kill off the child, even when you can’t be bothered to execute the rapist…..

    buncha doofi…

  32. chuckie –

    It may be your browser settings… don’t ask me which.

    I have no issues. I just click in the ‘name’ box and choose.

    Then I click in the email box…and choose, etc.

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