Giant Earth Killing Meteor Polls Thirteen Percent – IOTW Report

Giant Earth Killing Meteor Polls Thirteen Percent

In a recent questioning by left- leaning Public Policy Polling (PPP), participants were given a choice between Clinton, Trump and a giant meteor hitting the earth (SMOD – Sweet Meteor of Death). The presumptive candidates both polled under 50 percent (Hillary getting 43 percent, Donald getting 38 percent) while the meteor received 13 percent.

The pollsters claim this presidential election is looking a lot like the last one, with the Democrat winning women, minorities and millennials while the Republican leads among men, whites and seniors.


11 Comments on Giant Earth Killing Meteor Polls Thirteen Percent

  1. for me, it’s trump or the meteor as 1st and 2nd place choices

    i don’t fit the new world, the world that requires inclusiveness and non-discrimination

    muslim mayhem run amok
    illegal / hispanic crime rampant
    angry blacks burning their cities down, knocking out and killing white people, no consequence
    lgbtxyz freaks pushing their agendas, freaks allowed in any restroom

    yes, i am required, as a white hetero male to put blinders on and not allow my mind to discriminate as it does naturally based upon simple observation of these out-of-control groups that are controlling the narrative and winning

    bullshit, i discriminate and am non-inclusive for my survival

  2. Of the two presumptive Presidential candidates, I’d have to say Hillary is definitely the meatier. On a body weight percentage-wise basis, that is.


  3. From Vietvet: “Of the two presumptive Presidential candidates, Iā€™d have to say Hillary is definitely the meatier. On a body weight percentage-wise basis, that is.”

    No sir, that ain’t meat, it fat. And wattle. The fat can be rendered into a useful lubricant or fuel. Start by removing the dermis with the attached adipose tissue (fat) which will probably be a marked yellow color. Do not discard any of this.
    Next, remove the liver and evaluate for fat deposits. Heavy drinkers usually develop large nodes that encompass the radius of the upper lobe.

    Place all this is a large deep vessel and heat to about 230 degrees. The fat will separate from the dermis and the water content will boil off leaving well, basically lard in a liquid form. Remove the dermis and allow to drip over a collecting pan.

    The rendered fat can be used for lamp fuel, with the addition of steric acid to make quite good candles, an as a lubricant for lightly loaded mechanical sliding and rotating interfaces.

    A life of service. Isn’t that what politicians promise? Make yourself useful Hillary.

  4. I saw one of those bumper stickers just today. I’d not seen one before, not had I even seen the design, but I knew instantly what it said and what it meant.

    Here’s the twist: it was on a Buick driven by a little old lady. And I do mean OLD. I’m in Venice, Florida, which is #8 in the nation for the oldest median age of population…and the first seven were specifically established as retirement communities. Venice was not. It’s a nice place to live: several gun stores and no hip-hop clubs.

  5. @Lowell: I knew someone would mention the meat vs. fat angle, but I had to go with meat or there would have been no pun on meteor.


    Also, you might want to include some kind of perfume or odorant as part of your rendering process. After post-WWII occupation duty, a relative brought back a bar of soap that was (supposedly) made from Jews in one of the Nazi death camps. However, being made under crude conditions, nothing had been added to offset the natural smell of the material used to make the item. Regardless of what kind of animal fat it was made from, man, that bar stunk!

  6. From Vietvet:”Also, you might want to include some kind of perfume or odorant as part of your rendering process.”

    You sir, are a man who minds the details. Forgive me my oversight. In the case I spoke of above there would very likely be the stench of evil itself. I like lavender. I have it under cultivation in my yard. Citrous would perhaps clash, and not subsume the odoriferous aspects of rendering evil into usefulness.

    Thank you for your spot on guidance.

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