Giant Neck-bearded Moron With Stupid Hair Smashes 66 Year-Old Man’s Face Into Car Breaking His Teeth – IOTW Report

Giant Neck-bearded Moron With Stupid Hair Smashes 66 Year-Old Man’s Face Into Car Breaking His Teeth

The older guy was confused and thought the dumb giant’s car was his daughter’s.


YT- A horrifying video from Florida shows a young man assaulting an older man suffering from Parkinson’s disease. Kevin Mena thought the older man was trying to break into his car, but actually, the Parkinson’s sufferer had just gotten confused over which car was his daughter’s.

33 Comments on Giant Neck-bearded Moron With Stupid Hair Smashes 66 Year-Old Man’s Face Into Car Breaking His Teeth

  1. OK Tony R. If you look close you’ll notice grammatical errors in my original post. Unfortunately there’s no way to edit a comment once you send it. I, being the worrier that I am, was concerned for the trolls on this site (wink wink) who wouldn’t be clever enough to put two and two together and come up with four. Hope this comforts you. Enjoy and be proud of your ‘three.’

  2. In the great karma of life, I hope this asshole lives long enough to experience the “joy” of malady’s that accompany old age. I’m sure he would think it great sport when some thugs dumped him out of his wheel chair, or stole his scooter, or kicked his walker out from under him. 🙁

  3. A year at Raiford will teach Obamason to squeal like a girl all Night Shift for the promise of half a smoke next week.

    And yes, time for Nationwide “stand your ground”, with no questions asked.
    And automatic presumption of guilt for any attacker with a prior record.

    And a series of PSAs about these New Rules, run 24/7 on appropriate channels/socials.

  4. I gotta add, because its bugging me. Big neck? Yes all fat. This ass hat is no athlete. Very few are. I know many 60 year olds that would beat his ass. He’s a coward that’s bullied his way around his acquaintances with his fat rolls puffing out his shirt. Old people shouldn’t need to deal with this crap. Put this fucker on a wrestling mat or in a boxing ring. Let’s see how bad ass he is then. I hate dirt bags.

  5. This crap drives me crazy that it was caught on security cameras or video.

    I would love to be the one to ‘catch’ one of these dirt bags first. Let it be on video, who cares. It’ll all be legal… like you don’t have a 100 cell cameras on you anyway. These a$$wipes only do this crap when it makes them feel big for being the king while knowing there is no resistance. I would love to be their huckleberry.

  6. Brad, agreed. Punks are not what they used to be. The street corner toughs I see slouch-shuffling around have the same soft dough-y flab of their intended snowflake prey.
    Most look like this cretin, Sumo fat but like all their generation have never pressed or run a lap.
    Dangerous only from behind, or in packs of 3 or more.
    With national CCW reciprocity, open carry and presumed-guilty policies for shootings of perps with prior records, this country will be a lot safer place to walk around.

  7. In a just world, the victim’s kinsmen would have dealt with this fellow; “Kevin” would be the subject of a missing persons report and his phiz would be decorating milk cartons.

    An idea for an episode of the “Twilight Zone:” Rod Searling: “Next stop for Kevin: an arraignment in front of Judge Crater.”

  8. What puzzles me is Kevin’s lack of perceptive abilities. Could our friend Kevin not see that the gentleman near his car was old? Could Kevin not conduct any sort of assessment of the old man’s demeanor–did the man look lost or confused, for example–before he started punching? I guess you can’t fix stupid. Hope the old man is all right.

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