Giant New Trump Sign Up In California – IOTW Report

Giant New Trump Sign Up In California

News Thud

A new giant “TRUMP” sign has been spotted in Southern California.

A Twitter user tweeted a photo and wrote “They did it again in Cali. Orange County on Anaheim Hills on Rte 91. MAGA!” More

16 Comments on Giant New Trump Sign Up In California

  1. Yesterday when I was driving N. on Hwy 195 from Lewiston, Id. a wheat farmer just S. of Pullman had written in the wheat stubble in big letters Culp for Governor in Wash. state 2020. I saw only 2 Biden signs yesterday and lots of Trump signs all over the place on my way down to Lewiston and back. Including a guy in the tiny town of Colton, Wash. who had a large Trump 2020 No more bullshit flag out in front of his house waving proudly as I passed thru Colton.

  2. That is in Riverside County, just west of Corona California.
    Green River Road is one of the first exits off the 91 in Riverside County.
    On November 1, there is a MAGA Drag the Interstate rally that will be starting at the Riverside National Cemetery. Yours truly, with her 84 year old mother, and sister and nephew will be in attendance.
    We’ve got our Trump 2020 flags ready to fly proudly!!!!
    Any local IOTWReporters, come out and join us.

  3. I’m confused, wasn’t the sign on private property? How is a sign on private property hundreds of feet away from the road a traffic hazard? Is there not such a thing as trespassing?
    Glad I left in 93.

  4. “How is a sign on private property hundreds of feet away from the road a traffic hazard?”

    Those cause problems, but not the billboards that are right next to the freeway, with flashing lights/video. lol

  5. Stopped by a restaurant last night and an older gentleman walked in and on his shirt it said: “I was going to go as a democrat for Halloween but I couldn’t get my head that far up my ass”. Told him I really liked his shirt and he grinned from ear to ear! His wife said he gets LOTS of compliments when he wears it.

  6. Just spent a week in S. Colorado.
    Trump signs everywhere, and the little store in Weston sells Trump “Rambo” flags-owner says they’re flying off the shelves.
    Yeah, but the polls are for biden….sure.
    I predict massive voter fraud on an unprecedented scale.

  7. Sadly, this is still California. We know (that statement is itself bad) how Cla will vote.
    I love the idea, but I cannot see how this will make any real difference in the status quo.
    I hope it does suggest that California might vote in a Republican, but I will not hold my breath and will sit until it actually happens.
    I do not denigrate those who have rebelled against the establishment. I hope that they do ultimately succeed, but history doesn’t support that hope.
    Prove me wrong!! This is an instance where I hope that you do!

  8. I do not want everyone to agree with me. I want to engage those in a civil debate. You make your case, I make mine. If I find your argument persuasive, I will modify my thoughts. If you do not convince me, I will stay with mine.
    Regardless, I want to have that discussion / debate.
    If you just yell at me or call me names, I will not cede to your view.

    Who wants to take the challenge?

    I am not the smartest person in the room. However, if you can convince me, you might be able to convince others.

  9. RogerF
    Me and my California Conservative buddies have convinced our selves California would have a good shot at sending our electoral college votes in for Trump if it were a fair election. But it’s not going to be a fair election. California is where the Communists march out their new ideas on how to steal an election. They try it here first and if it works, then the rest of you can enjoy it the following electoral cycle.
    There’s some fascinating shit going on here concerning cheating. It turns out the Communists get really pissed when you cheat back. That’s still developing.


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