GIBBONS: Canada Day isn’t what it used to be to Canadians – IOTW Report

GIBBONS: Canada Day isn’t what it used to be to Canadians

Over and over again, we’re getting pantsed in the proverbial school lunch room. It’s humiliating.

Ottawa Sun:

O Canada, our home and … sorry, can’t do it. I’m just not feeling it. Not this Canada Day long weekend, anyway.  Something’s not right. It’s different.

Apparently, I’m not alone when it comes to thinking Canada has lost its edge to party this year. Across the country, there are examples aplenty where folks have opted to sit this one out.

Canada Day is supposed to be our big weekend. Coast-to-coast, it’s our patriotic duty to burst with national pride and wave the flag while performing full-throated renditions of our national anthem. No doubt many Canadians will do just that, but, for more than a few of us, something is off this year.

In Toronto, Canada Day festivities at Queen’s Park have been canned because organizers worried nobody would turn up. This in a city that just recently saw two million fans pour into the streets on a workday to celebrate the Raptors’ NBA championship.

Apparently, in Canada’s largest city, Torontonians are ho-hum when it comes to Canada Day.

Doug Ford says cancellation will save the province $400,000, the equivalent of 400,000 buck-a-beers, if you think about it. If you are part of Ford Nation, that’s something to celebrate, I guess.

Meantime, in New Brunswick, the community of Sussex canned its Canada Day parade because it attracted a mere five entrants. Apparently, even in a town with two stoplights, five floats does not a parade make. Clearly, the good folks of Sussex are also in no mood to party this year. more here

17 Comments on GIBBONS: Canada Day isn’t what it used to be to Canadians

  1. So painful to watch. The Good Lord blessed military folks by teaming us up with Canucks. AWESOME, hardy and hard workers, clever, and focused. Every bit as funny as the Krauts, Limeys, n Strayuns. Hate to see them have to go thru this. We survived Bubba and Buckwheat. Canada will survive their humiliation and embarrassment. At least our seditious commie faggot tried to hide who he was. Castro’s son? Not so much.

  2. The day my country elected shit-for-brains I re-hung my flag in the window upside down as my signal of distress. The fort is overrun, Stay Away! It has been this way for almost 4 years.

    How can Canadians feel like celebrating when shit-for-brains has been telling us the values of our parents, grandparents, & Christian religions are all wrong.

    Trudy isn’t even in Canada, He is at the G-20 being ignored by all and hoping Trump helps negotiate for the freedom of 2 imprisoned Canadians. He sure was at the pride parade though where the current admin banned uniform police from taking part if they chose to. Very inclusive are they not.

    He has alienated us from all but our most pussified allies and eliminated the memory of our fallen soldiers from our national anthem. “In all thy sons command” removed from our anthem.

    I’m Not Feeling It! I’m ashamed! I’m not in the mood to go out in Toronto where I have very little in common with anyone I meet anymore. I

    I wish I was in ALBERTA or in a RED STATE in AMERICA!

  3. Kcir you can totally move into my barn….once I get Kenny out.

    Running water, electricity, steps from the gun range….damn…the hell don’t I live there?

  4. Kcir – I truly feel bad for you guys there. We got a taste of it with 0bama, but knowing Justin is 0bama on crack is just terrible! At least our pig got termed out. But yours? He can hang out for quite a long time as long as his libs are in power, no?

  5. I drove to a wedding in Ottawa on the same day a 4 tour soldier’s body was being returned via the highway of heros. Bridge after bridge of flags, fire trucks, coppers & citizens alike waiting by the road for hours to pay final respects. It was beautiful and it was represented much more on the rural route into Toronto. 2010

    In Toronto that weekend there was A G20 Riot!

  6. Canada is all about The Queen, and Lord Kitchener. The real Canadians, I mean. The Long Branch Arsenal. Speaking fucking English, and serving the Crown.

    They don’t serve Justin The Cunt.

    There may yet be great things from our Canadian Cousins. Let us not revile them for their love of English Kings and Queens. We cast off the yoke 243 years ago — only for manifold yokes in these later years. We should be Brothers-in-arms.

  7. I love Canada. AA and I love to go to BC and fish every chance we get.
    They will learn their lesson just like we had to.
    Never go full Obama.

  8. I live in Western Canada and I will be spoiling my ballot in the October election. I am for western separation or even joining the northern United States (but not Minnesota). Alberta and Saskatchewan have a lot in common with Montana and North Dakota.

  9. Canadian Naval vessels are being buzzed by Chinese fighter planes in the South China Sea. They have nothing but contempt for the Canadian leader {little potato}.
    Justine isn’t even able to arrange meetings with lower level Chinese diplomats to plead for the citizens held under death sentences.
    The little snot is learning that it’s not a good idea to insult foreign leaders……..or maybe not.


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