Gillibrand Twice Refers to Tactical Nuclear Weapons as ‘Tactile’ – IOTW Report

Gillibrand Twice Refers to Tactical Nuclear Weapons as ‘Tactile’

WFB: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand  (D., N.Y.) called tactical nuclear weapons “tactile” twice Friday during a meet-and-greet in New Hampshire.

Gillibrand, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, spoke at Flight Coffee in Dover, where she discussed her opposition to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019.

“We used to say we don’t worry about a first strike because a first strike would end in complete devastation of the person who fired nuclear weapons,” Gillibrand said.  “When you say you want to develop low-yield nuclear weapons that are tactile, what you’re saying is you want to use them.”

She later used the term “tactile” again when talking about her opposition to the defense bill. She said that she found it “not believable” when the Trump administration said that if nuclear weapons were usable, then they were a better threat. She said she opposed the entire defense bill because of that one provision.

“If I am president, I am going to make sure we unwind that completely, and I don’t think we should be trying to create tactile nuclear weapons. Not only is it a waste of money, but it increases the risk of actually using them,” Gillibrand said.  more here

38 Comments on Gillibrand Twice Refers to Tactical Nuclear Weapons as ‘Tactile’

  1. Before she forms an opinion on our weapons development, she should take a look at Russia, China and our other enemies and what they have been doing with theirs (and how they intend to use them).

  2. But as GW pointed out, there’s a difference between “nuclear” and “nucular.”

    So the list of possibilities is growing geometrically!

    Tactile nuclear
    Tactile nucular
    Tactical nuclear
    Tactical nucular

    Who do we call on this? We obviously need clarification.

  3. If you combined the I.Q.s of everyone currently in the Libtard Clown Car/Bus that’s currently running for head socialist, you’d end up with a negative number.

  4. subconsciously, her mind is on that nxivm sex cult, and when or how it is going to bite her in the ass. She’s wondering if she should wax her ass before her family is implicated.

  5. @Bad – which would be BAD, Brad. But there are good negative numbers, And imaginary ones, too. On the other hand, the best analogy to a negative IQ is probably a roach motel. Democrat roaches check-in, but they don’t check-out.

  6. I would likely accept the misuse of a word in a general conversation but coming from somebody on the Armed Services Committee and a candidate for President I think becomes a real issue. Tactical use of nukes is becoming a cornerstone of US defense policy and a President that obviously doesn’t understand the difference between it and tactile isn’t ready for the big seat.
    Wasn’t Gillibrand supposed to just be a placeholder of Clinton’s senate seat until the next election? I gather it was mostly a popularity contest and she had no real qualifications for the job.

  7. So … she should clarify?

    She has NO problem with the Strategic use of nuclear weapons – wiping cities and “innocents” off the map – but draws the line at tactical (or tactile) nuclear weapons – (for instance) stopping the First Guard’s Tank Army before it can penetrate the Brenner Pass?

    She really should be given a chance to explain her distinction.

    Why is it so much better to mass murder than to selectively excise?

    I know … no one in the media is going to ask …

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. @Bad_Brad: …which explains that Progressive sucking sound we all hear! Which explains why one can’t stay far enough away from them, lest one get sucked into an information black hole. Reagan was so right.

  9. and of course I meant to say “..a Senator that doesn’t understand..” not the President. Damn, even with a chance to edit the comment I still screw up.

  10. BTW, did you see where The NY Times actually described Joe Biden’s groping and hair sniffing as “Joe Biden’s Tactile Style of Retail Politicking?”

    And no, I did not make that up … I wish I had, but I’m not that funny

  11. Why she hate tac tiles? We can retile our nukes any way she want’s them.

    Personally I’d go for a mosaic. Probably Edvard Munchs’ ‘scream’.


  12. Tactile is me putting tiny pretzels in salads and chips on my sandwiches. I’m late for lunch, peeps, what do you expect!?

    And you don’t need a comma with the “and” there and only two items. Kudos on the semi-colon, though, usually people think they’re interchangeable with commas.

    Hey, Mike, ever read the story about the panda that shot a bunch pf people in a cafe?

  13. Tactility – it’s a thing.

    Tactiling- it’s the action of touchy-feelyness.

    Tactilicious – it’s good tasting pretzel or potato chip bits on your sandwich (kudos to Lisl).

    Tacti-testical – well, you know.

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