Gina Haspel sets Jack Reed (D-Rhode Island) straight – IOTW Report

Gina Haspel sets Jack Reed (D-Rhode Island) straight

The video of that exchange is HERE.  Pay close attention to Senator Reed’s mannerism as she’s answering him. He looks like a child who got a scolding.

“Senator, I would never obviously support inhumane treatment of any CIA officers. We’ve lost CIA officers over the years to terrorists. I just gave an example. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed personally killed a Wall Street Journal correspondent and filmed it,” Haspel said. “I don’t think there’s any comparison between CIA officers serving their country — adhering to U.S. law — and terrorists who, by their very definition, are not following anybody’s law.”



9 Comments on Gina Haspel sets Jack Reed (D-Rhode Island) straight

  1. “I don’t think there’s any comparison between CIA officers serving their country — adhering to U.S. law — and terrorists who, by their very definition, are not following anybody’s law.”

    Well, at least she’s qualified to be Pope.

  2. “Civilized” Senator Jack Reed reminds me of Chief Dan George in “The Outlaw Josey Wales:
    “I’m an Indian all right; but here in the Nation they call us the “civilized tribe.” They call us civilized because we’re easy to sneak up on.”
    Both Reed and Feinstein are usefull idiots.

  3. For all the international shitlib lawyers out there, remember this fundamental behind all laws, and contracts and covenants ever made … Quid Pro Quo. You want this, you give that

    If you follow certain rules in war you get protections from certain practices. If you are a POS who wears no uniform and whose sole intent is to kill as many civilians as possible, including yourself, you aren’t following any rules .. Ergo you get no protections. You can be set on fire if that’s what it takes to stop another terrorist act

    Anybody who ever studied law knows this. Which means the Democrats, who are the party of lawyers, are simply traitors. Why cant republicans say this?


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