Jim Acosta Inadvertently Makes Pro-Trump Campaign Ad on Twitter – IOTW Report

Jim Acosta Inadvertently Makes Pro-Trump Campaign Ad on Twitter

Obama policies dumped by Trump: Iran deal, Paris Climate Agreement, Trans-Pacific Trade Deal, DACA, Obamacare Individual Mandate.  – Jim Acosta@Acosta

This was supposed to be a list that would make the everyday American reel in horror. It’s actually the list that is propelling Trump in his job performance polls.

Acosta’s list is only a fraction of Trump’s accomplishments that, when the derangement dust settles, will put him on the list as one of our greatest presidents.

And the derangement is still strong on the right.

This was just put in my timeline by a #NeverTrumper who follows me on Twitter.

You have to have a personal gripe with Trump, some bigoted point of view, to still be saying, “just wait and see. He’s a liberal!!”

And I think I know what the personal gripe is with the person that posted this. Every tweet comes with the warning that he’s a NEW YORKER!!!

It was Ted Cruz who first floated the “New York Values” charge at Trump, as if everyone from New York is a crazed left-winger. It was stupid when Cruz said it, and it’s that much more stupid that it’s being repeated 18 months into a presidency that has been as right-wing as any presidency we’ve ever had.

Besides, I’m from New York, and I haven’t missed one day in ten years of fighting the left.

But I guess I’m going to peel back my fake skin, any day now, to reveal my 10+ year plan of rope-a-doping the right.

Also from New York – William F.Buckley, Milton Friedman, Dennis Prager, Michael Savage, Bill O’Reilly, Pamela Geller, Jeanine Pirro, Rudy Giuliani, Sean Hannity, Dan Bongino, Alan Keyes…..  Mr. Pinko, Hippie Critic, Irony Curtain, Zilla, Dianny… you get the idea. Using “he’s from NEW YORK!” is not proof of anything.


11 Comments on Jim Acosta Inadvertently Makes Pro-Trump Campaign Ad on Twitter

  1. Proof? No. But if you’re a New Yorker you probably talk too fast for the rest of us and don’t realize it when you’re being rude.

    Just kidding! I know quite a number of New Yorkers and a few of them are actually pretty nice people.

    DISCLAIMER: My comments were provoked by the unfortunate fact that some New Yorkers seriously bad-mouth Florida… except for the New Yorkers who MOVED here. (-:

  2. I’m loving that Jim Acosta Ad. Trump should run with it on TV for 2020.

    As for the pic of Trump with the Clintoons. That’s one reason I love this guy, he knows everyone and consequently knows all the skeletons on everyone.

    The Clintoons are in for big league grief in Trump’s second term. I’m thinking prison bars.

  3. DJT POTUS is an alpha male successful builder from NYC, Jamaica Estates, Queens to be exact, and this is why the beta leftists both male (Jimmy Boy), female and OTHERWISE these days, are soooo intimidated by him IOW HATE him. They have not seen this before and are not use to it, kinda like most of us BUT WE get it. We’s wuz born woke(d).

    He freaking OOZES confidence and a sense of being secure with himself. They cannot handle!


  4. Born and raised in Bayside, Queens.
    Left NYC at age 27 to join the Navy.
    As time goes on (and politicians like de Blasio and Cuomo make the city more and more a Communist utopia), I have less and less of an urge to go back and visit.

  5. Lazlo likes New York.
    Lazlo’s old psychedelic band played the College Music Journal there back after the Civil War
    We ran afoul of a taxi driver who gave us instructions on where to go when we transgressed on his sacred space whilst pedestrians.
    He cursed us mightily.
    We returned with verbal salvos of our own design.
    Exhausted by this, everyone went their separate ways; sated and happy.

  6. Aaaah New Yoork.

    Never been the same since I was there last for a skirmish at Pell’s Point. The Battle of Harlem Heights??


    Talk about Change…

  7. Let the left keep talking, and the right keep countering.
    We will bury them in there own words.
    They are dumb and only double down, and then we hit them again.
    In the end their own hubris shall be their own downfall.
    It is coming soon. Have patience.


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