Gingrich Advises Senate Republican Candidates to Make Their Races National – IOTW Report

Gingrich Advises Senate Republican Candidates to Make Their Races National

Gingrich 360

If the 2022 Senate elections are analyzed and run as a big, nationalized races, the Democrats will likely lose the Senate by a wide margin.

When you have 9.1 percent inflation (compared to 1.4 percent inflation when Donald Trump left office), Democrat candidates at any level should feel like they are in trouble. The highest price of gasoline in history (more than double the price two years ago) does not help them.

And those aren’t the only problems Americans are seeing and feeling everyday. More

5 Comments on Gingrich Advises Senate Republican Candidates to Make Their Races National

  1. I think he’s probably right, but getting the republican party to work together to get it done doesn’t look likely at all. I think most of the “republicans” in congress are likely just democrat infiltrators (emphasis on the traitor part.)


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