Ginsburg Faces Bout Number 3 With Cancer – IOTW Report

Ginsburg Faces Bout Number 3 With Cancer

Very few people survive pancreatic cancer.

Ginsburg did.

Then she had colon cancer.

She survived.

Now, it is revealed, malignant lung cancer was found after she was admitted for cracked ribs in November.

She had lung surgery and is resting comfortably. 

ht/ dee

59 Comments on Ginsburg Faces Bout Number 3 With Cancer

  1. Use internation law in your decisions? Trash a presidential candidate while on the high court?

    When you slowly die, don’t expect anyone to be glad when you are gone.

    (See: John ‘dossier’ mccain)

  2. How can an inorganic animatronic soporific simulacrum of an old woman get cancer? Disney built that thing you see dozing around the High Court over ten years ago. Scalia saw it catch on fire once so he had to… go.

    After the rave reviews of their Steven Hawking model they were inspired to make one that moved its mouth when it spoke.

  3. If you thought the left went crazy on Kavanaugh, that was just a preseason game.

    And Hollywood is about to release a movie beautifying her. That no one will watch. The trailer was hideous.

  4. They say that both malignant nodes were removed. That is always so nice to hear. Bad part…the cat’s out of the bag. She’s been very lucky to have survived the first two. She has one heck of a battle to deal with now.

  5. BTW, shouldn’t this be a sign to RBG-85 that she should step down? How long does she have to live with malignant lung cancer? What sort of treatment can you give this woman that wont kill her in her feeble state?

    Something to ask your friendly neighboring Progg-tard

  6. Having spent the past eight years in cancer centers and infusion clinics, I don’t wish this shit upon anyone, but I would like to see her enjoy a long, healthy ‘retirement’.

  7. While she and her family are in my prayers. I wish this diagnosis on no one.
    I do though, wish that she would retire from the bench. I am also surprised that her poor ol head hasn’t fallen off on to her lap.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  8. Since she’s so fond of abortion… maybe she should have a taste of what she espouses.

    Roe v Wade is under 1st Amendment Freedom of Speech.

    Well…my freedom of speech is ‘Just Die, Baby’

    h/t John Madden…sort of

  9. Looks like Trump’s gonna have up to FIVE Supreme Court appointments!

    Maybe one of her Leftist devotees will donate an HIV+ body part.
    NO, I’m NOT sorry for saying that.

  10. Conversion of Malignancy theory holds that, the nastier a person is, the longer they will live.

    …in which case, she must ALREADY be 362 and can safely expect another 700 or so, and that’s WITHOUT repairs using aborted baby parts…

  11. Is she is incapable of doing her job and retires (or dies) then you can bet some of those close to Trump will be whispering in his ear to appoint a liberal to keep the “balance” on the court. These people are not his friends and I would hope he recognizes that and appoints a jurist in the vein of Clarence Thomas. If people thought that Kavanaugh was rough this one would be scorched earth.

  12. I happened to be channel surfing last month and stoped on CSpan to see her at a foundation event after her fall out of curiosity and they started the event talking about how many push-ups she did. This frail woman that can’t even hold her head up does 20 pushups, umpteen planks and walk squats. The lib audience ate it up. Pure fantasy land. Lasted 2 minutes watching that charade, just wanted to see the old frail woman’s condition.

  13. This is concerning to me. At her age especially, undergoing repeated bouts of general anesthesia does affect the mind. And for everyone, so does pain and continuously being medicated. Analyzing legal cases and writing briefs may not seem all that physically demanding, but it’s brain strain on the order of studying for and taking final exams constantly for a living.

    Although… I suppose her clerks are doing pretty much all of the work these days. Which is kind of scary.

  14. This scrunty bitch wanted the age of sexual consent lowered to 12 years old. I think back on how innocent and naive my daughter was at 12 and picture some predator legally fucking her. Ugggggg. This POS can die already.

  15. Rogers (Bush 43) has turned into a Quisling, Kavanaugh (Trump 45) ain’t giving me a warm fuzzy … thank God (& PDJT) the Republicant’s held the Senate to give Trump a do-over pick when Empress Palpatine finally meets her Lord Satan.

  16. Oh come on guys! Gasbag has been dead for years! Her votes are just “recorded” as if she was really alive! They just hospitalized her because she was getting a little more rank than usual! She’ll be back on the court shortly, looking as lifelike as ever!

  17. I always cringe when ‘term limits’ are called out for, only because who has ever said I will be OK voting myself out out of my job due to my age. Except for Government ‘appointed’ or elected ‘Employees’ by the laws they have created, that after 65, you deserve retiring and being paid back a portion for the funds you have ‘donated’. Unless your a pocket lining psycho or demented individual,,, that’s reserved for them. This ‘position’ ‘appointed’ or elected for life BS is just that, BS. You are no better than anyone else.
    ‘She’ll be back on the court shortly, looking as lifelike as ever!’
    Dave chappelle:
    formaldehyde is a hell’va drug

  18. There’s going to be a shitfit for whoever replaces her but the joke is on them. John Roberts has already replaced her.

    “No such thing as Democrat Judges or Republican Judges” my ass.

  19. Ginsberg supposedly cast a vote against Trump in a case on Friday — same day as her surgery!

    I call fraud. Since when is it permitted to serve as a Supreme Court Justice by proxy.

  20. Hell don’t want her and Heaven won’t have her.
    So, we’re stuck with her.
    Not “The Walking Dead” but “The Napping Dead.”

    She’s living (for the time being) proof that our “justice” system is corrupt.
    Course, Sotomayor and Kagan aren’t anything to crow about (nor is Roberts, come to think of it) or most of those other milque-toast puddles of sheep-dip which soil the Bench.

    Ah, well, hope that “opioid crisis” bullshit doesn’t get in the way of her pain meds.

    izlamo delenda est …

  21. Dirtball beat me to it.

    I thought Hildebitch was Weekend at Bernies. RBG is much much worse.

    Still looking for someone with media skills to remake the scene with Bernie soundly hitting the buoys, superimposing either of these ghouls’ faces.

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