Girl Math – IOTW Report

Girl Math

US News and World Report

The hashtag “#girlmath” on Tiktok has millions of views, primarily including videos of women explaining how they justify their discretionary purchases.

Though girl math seems to be a collective joke millions of women are in on, it has real-life ramifications regarding your personal finance strategy. In some cases, girl math might be helping you find the purchases that really bring you joy, while in others, it could be used as a tool to rationalize overspending. More

Matt Walsh breaks down “girl math” as only Matt Walsh can do. Watch

27 Comments on Girl Math

  1. @ RadioMattM MONDAY, 13 NOVEMBER 2023, 18:14 AT 6:14 PM

    “Homeless” living under the freeway caused this. It depends how long and how hot the fire was, but it appears to me to be a total loss. I used to work for a Pre Stress outfit and the girders are so full of 270 KSI steel that it is difficult to pour the concrete w/o ending up with “rock pockets” or voids. My guess is the entire thing is a goner. 100% attributable to Democrats running the State and city.

  2. I don’t do girlmath. Why on Earth would I want or need to justify discretionary spending? To Hell with that. I earned it, my bills are paid. That is exactly why DH and I have separate checking accounts except the one to use for property and insurance.

  3. Brad – using Girl Math is justifiable for men while in a gun store.

    Please explain how it is “Girl Math” to want to buy a tool that you want and you’ve worked hard to earn the money to buy it… as opposed to using someone else’s money.

  4. I was just watching some congress math. I started watching because I thought they were going to vote on impeaching Mayorkas. Yet they were voting to pass something about DNA backlog, they all voted yes, so I’m sure this is probably something not good for America. Sorry anytime they all agree, it’s usually not good.
    But then they went to swearing some black guy in from Rhode Island. They said he was the first from Rhode Island, I didn’t even know they had one black guy in Rhode Island.

  5. I’m starting to think I was lied to, after swearing in that guy and letting him blab, they’ve moved onto renaming a clinic. I guess all of that is more important than our border, although I’m not holding my breath that they will impeach him, more looking to see how many won’t vote to impeach him. The vote was supposed to take place almost an hour ago.

  6. Different Tim – I’ve taken my Mazdas down to 1 mile of gas left and have not run out of fuel. I won’t deny that I was sweating it, but I now know what they will do.
    I’m 71 and have been driving since 15 1/2 with two claims to fame – I have never run out of gas or had a flat tire on the road! I’ve had a couple in the garage, but nothing that a little rubber cement and a sheet metal screw couldn’t take care of!

  7. And Dr. Tar, then there’s Congress: their brains are Fried, their math is Fried, their bank men (FED) are Fried and their laws are Fried.

    (Sorry. Maybe should have used “Cooked.” Stick a fork in ’em.)

  8. Well they didn’t vote on it because 12 Republicans didn’t show up to vote and 8 Republicans voted in favor of the democrats who stood up and wanted a vote to send it to committee.

  9. Ex-wife math….
    Party needs a new party dress….
    Agreed one party dress….
    spending a max of $100….

    Results….3 party dresses for $150….
    “They were 50% off and I saved you….$150.”

  10. @Harry, I’d say he’s pretty well “Fried” now, though his sentencing won’t be until March. Hope he toughens up by then or it’s going to be a long 116 years for SBF.

  11. Bonehead actress/model math to calculate the minimal breast enhancement size.

    OK. You just take the square root of your current breast size, multiply that by the inverse of pi, divide the answer by zero, and add minus 3. That’s your new breast size.

    Not to ignore other weirds and to be fair, the same calculation can be done by male models and homo actors.

  12. “The Beetle gearshift is 50% OFF!”

    I know I’m an asswipe. No better than a monkey on a stick.

    But Jennifer DID say, “That reeking piece of shit shifts like a dream now, doesn’t it?”

    She could just be blowing smoke up my ass, though…

  13. I don’t think she likes my car. Always talking shit about my headliner. I don’t give a tinker’s cuss about a headliner. Unless it is droopy. If it is a-waving about in my look-around then, yeah, that blows. But MY headliner is tight. No bows missing. No floppy shit.

    You gotta take all the glass out the car for the headliner. I don’t care THAT much.

  14. I still can’t understand how spending $250 on a pair of shoes that normally cost $300 somehow “saves me” fifty bucks, but after 38 years of marriage I’ve found there are some things I will just never understand.

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