Girl Puts Picture of Her High School’s Dirty Bathroom Water and They Suspend Her – IOTW Report

Girl Puts Picture of Her High School’s Dirty Bathroom Water and They Suspend Her

They said it’s against school policy to take pictures in the bathroom.

I guess she should have drawn a picture of it.

My next question is, how many times has she been left back? (She’s in high school?)

She’s also the best looking girl named Hazel that I know of.



12 Comments on Girl Puts Picture of Her High School’s Dirty Bathroom Water and They Suspend Her

  1. Truth-puts people in a bad mood after all the crap heard from the school over the years.
    This is actually a health hazard that the entire school system is derelict by allowing it to continue. Good for her, everybody should know, fire all the clowns.

  2. Why is everyone’s first response to air their dirty laundry for all to see?

    Should have followed the Chain of Command to solve this “in-house”, then if that failed taken it up the ladder.

  3. let me guess- school is in a town that has a democratic strangle hold for the past 30+ years. If Hillary wins expect nation wide crack down on speech critical of her lordshipness.

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