Girl Scout Cookies Marketing Meeting – IOTW Report

Girl Scout Cookies Marketing Meeting

18 Comments on Girl Scout Cookies Marketing Meeting

  1. I am reminded of John Pinette and his experiences with girl scout cookies;

    ht tps://

    One of my favorite comedians, God rest his soul.

  2. Here’s another downside to GSA marketing. A few weeks back there was a stand set up at the door opposite side of the door I used. Made a mental note to swing by.

    But the grocery store didn’t have cream. Didn’t have fresh pasta. The basics for what I wanted to make for dinner. I left in disgust and forgot about the Girl Scouts, sadly.

  3. Girl Scouts went woke before the Boy Scouts.
    Not interested in their cookies anymore – I’m disgusted with scouting.
    (My daughter is a Gold Award recipient and my son is an Eagle Scout)

  4. Yuk, the little girls are conned into putting a great deal of time and effort into hawking cookies so that the national leaders of the organization can rake in multi-hundreds of thousands of dollar yearly salaries!

  5. I read somewhere that due to supply chain and employee shortages that the baker is unable to keep up and the most popular cookies are unavailable. Plus the GS like to set up next to pot dispensaries (talk about knowing your customers).

  6. One year when we lived in the city I was “Cookie Mom” and my “Assistant Cookie Mom” took hundreds of dollars of orders then stiffed our troop. Not sure what happened to her as she was identified to nat’l Girl Scouts, but she was not supposed to have a role again with GSA and I never saw her again, only her kid at school and GS meetings.

  7. I seem to remember a GSA /Planned Parenthood connection a bit ago. Also, I could never figure out why the girl scouts didn’t bake and sell their own cookies instead those over priced things they hawk outside of Walmart.

  8. @Rich Taylor
    Thank you!!! I love John Pinette. He was so funny.
    My favorite bit was about Subway & the people who couldn’t make up their minds about what they wanted on their sandwich.
    “I knew what I wanted on my sandwich since I was like one.”
    John & I are sympatico on sandwiches!

  9. I don’t buy them since they have lesbian leadership. They set up in front of all the grocery stores here and have been for years. They don’t go door-to-door here. Cookies are right at the table, take them home, no ordering. The guy is an idiot.

  10. Did you know that you can buy girl scout cookies on Amazon?

    ht tps://

    12 bucks a box, no thanks.

  11. 😆😆

    Keebler Grasshopper cookies are a pretty good version of the GS Thin Mints. And you get more in the box.

    I was going to buy some from a friend’s daughter. By the time I got to her website almost everything was marked “out of stock.” I just put in 4 boxes of what they had, but then shipping was $12. I will not pay $32 for 4 half-empty boxes of cookies.

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