Girl Scouts Accuses Boy Scouts of Stealing Girls – IOTW Report

Girl Scouts Accuses Boy Scouts of Stealing Girls

In the world of Progtardia’s Land of Unintended Consequences…


For more than a hundred years the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts have stood equal, but separate, in efforts to instill good morals in young Americans.

Now, the leader of the Girl Scouts has accused her counterpart of capitalizing on millennial attitudes toward gender, by saying that the Boy Scouts are running a “covert campaign to recruit girls into programs run by the Boy Scouts,” in a letter obtained by BuzzFeed News.

“I formally request that your organization stay focused on serving the 90 percent of American boys not currently participating in Boy Scouts … and not consider expanding to recruit girls,” wrote GSUSA President Kathy Hopinkah Hannan in a letter sent this week to the president of the Boy Scouts of America, Randall Stephenson, according to the Associated Press.

She wrote that the Boy Scout’s plans “would result in fundamentally undercutting Girl Scouts of the USA” and that the organization was “testing the appeal of a girls’ offering to millennial parents,” according to BuzzFeed.

“It has been well documented that BSA is facing declining membership and other significant challenges,” she said. “To that end, Girl Scouts has focused on bolstering 21st century skill building by creating engaging new programming around STEM, high-adventure experiences in the outdoors, entrepreneurship, and other offerings — and have seen these efforts gain nationwide momentum.


20 Comments on Girl Scouts Accuses Boy Scouts of Stealing Girls

  1. Never forget that the Girl Scouts partnered up with Planned Parenthood & gave girls booklets about how to be “sexy and hot ” or something along those lines a few years ago. I stopped buying their cookies after that.

  2. I know lots of girls in Girl Scouts, I also know lots of Boy Scout sisters who wish they could be in Boy Scouts because they do so much more – and not because of Boys! And BSA has an option, Venture Scouts, open to boys and girls age 14-20. It hasn’t really taken off as far as I can tell but there are certainly some Venture Crews around.
    Meanwhile, Girl Scouts doesn’t take boys. Also, boys don’t want to take part.

  3. Re Zilla’s link, Boy Scouts is extremely transparent. Nothing is hidden and they publicly state as much. Of course some of this is changes due to the coverups a few decades ago. But even the special groups like Order of the Arrow have 100% transparency now.

  4. The Infinity dumb drive in action.

    There is no difference between the sexes/how dare the BSA not allow girls-how dare the BSA allow girls/who are you to assume who is a girl and who is a boy?!

    Maybe this whole convoluted construct of the left of “damned if you do and damned if you don’t” just boils down to what they hate on a particular day. … New theory- the left has reach “Perceptual PMS” or “PPMS”. They hated the fact that the BSA was just for boys and now that it allows girls they hate if for that. Forget what they said yesterday that sooo ancient history. Hence Bill Clinton (serial rapist) “is” (depending on your definition of “is”) a good person and was the best POTUS ever but Trump needs to be impeached.

    The Democrats are getting old in their ideology and leadership so not only is this a P-PMS but it has aspects of menopause, you know “hot flashes” or temper tantrums in the streets. This is a work in progress people. I’m not ready to write a complete paper but I think I have the beginnings of “The String Theory explaining Troglodytes, Libtards and everything leftest: Perpetual Menopause-PMS or PM-PMS” It means, they can not only murder you and a judge will let them walk they can murder the Bill of Rights and even the Republic and not be held guilty of anything.

  5. I noticed the recently completed Jamboree wasn’t called the National Boy Scout Jamboree, It was instead called the National Scout Jamboree. Now I can see maybe there is more than one reason why they have dropped “Boy” from the name.

  6. Why is RuPaul’s Drag Race not trying to infiltrate the leftwing Girl Scouts?

    Nothing would sell those Samoas and Trefoils like a 6′ 6″ tranny in a pleated mini skirt and an Adams apple that would make Granny Smith blush slinging cookies outside of every Krogers, Sam’s Club, or King Soopers.

  7. Eagle scout/OA/council staff/Philmont staff here.

    This is a nightmare.

    When the queering of the BSA was pushed to become official policy by the Ernst and Young CEO several years ago, I sold all my scout stuff on eBay. Got a decent price for some of the unique badges I had collected over the years.

    Scouting is toast. I mean it. Scouting is DEAD.

    Believe me when I say that the best thing that could happen now is the BSA utterly collapsing and entering a state of nonexistence. That will help more young men than anything at this point. It pains me to say that. I knew there were a few weirdos sneaking around the BSA, but now it’s downright dangerous to send your kids to camp. Grieves me. Truly wretched state of affairs.

    Teach your kids to swim, hunt, read the Bible, camp, etc. Build your own community. Guard it jealously.

  8. I keep looking for our church to make the final break from the BSA and start their own internal “scouting” organization. If I remember correctly they’ve already stopped being a part of the BSA. I’ve been waiting for this since the whole BSA /gay thing started.

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