Giuliani Outlines the Unreleased Evidence Against Joe and Hunter Biden For Taking Payments from Foreign Governments – IOTW Report

Giuliani Outlines the Unreleased Evidence Against Joe and Hunter Biden For Taking Payments from Foreign Governments


Direct evidence implicating former Vice President Joe Biden in a pay-for-play corruption scandal will be released to the public 10 days prior to the 2020 election, Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, told Daily Caller’s senior White House correspondent Christian Datoc in an exclusive interview.

The former New York City mayor spoke with Datoc for a half-hour in New York City Thursday evening about all of the new allegations raised by emails and text messages alleged to have been pulled from a hard drive previously owned by Hunter Biden. watch here

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10 Comments on Giuliani Outlines the Unreleased Evidence Against Joe and Hunter Biden For Taking Payments from Foreign Governments

  1. 10 days before the election. In other words, after the next scheduled debate, and after millions of ballots have been cast. WTF is so important about 10 days?!?! RELEASE IT NOW!!

  2. Rudy will get this done after the election. The RICO act will destroy joe and my hope is old bastard biden will roll on his former boss so his family doesnt have to spend eternity in jail.

  3. @Charlie WalksonWater – god willing the POTUS wins in a LANDSLIDE

    @Joe6pak – I trust Rudy implicitly.

    What about the slow drip strategy? Release the small stuff for your enemies to POUNCE and the release the real goods?

  4. Poor old Corrupt Joe. Went from government salaried political hack to muli-millionaire just like his cronie’s Barky, Slick and Hilldog, but now he’s the last guy standing and the music has stopped.

  5. Bill OReilly on Hannity’s show on Wed. said that there are two stories about Trump that the mainstream media is waiting to drop on Trump.

    Maybe Rudy knows that and what it is and is holding fire on Biden to take the Trump October surprise out of the news with even worse Hunter/BigGuy China/Ukraine god knows what news.

  6. I think it makes sense to wait until after the last debate. Giuliani, and therefore Trump, know what’s on the hard drive. Now they know how to get Biden to commit to a lie they can easily disprove at a later time, or admit to something damaging. Or, most likely Biden will do his best to avoid answering questions, in which case he’ll have to go off script. That is recipe for a different kind of disaster. By announcing that they’ll have more to release later, the Biden campaign has to start altering what they do now to try and get ahead of the damage that they know is coming, but don’t know exactly what it is. Pretty shrewd strategy in my opinion.


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