Giuliani sees writing on the wall and pulls his name from SOS contention – IOTW Report

Giuliani sees writing on the wall and pulls his name from SOS contention

Rudy saw that he wasn’t going to be named Secretary of State, so he publicly withdrew his name now as a preemptive face saver.

Politico– “Rudy Giuliani is an extraordinarily talented and patriotic American. I will always be appreciative of his 24/7 dedication to our campaign after I won the primaries and for his extremely wise counsel,” Trump said in a written statement. “He is and continues to be a close personal friend, and as appropriate, I will call upon him for advice and can see an important place for him in the administration at a later date.”

The transition team said that he withdrew on November 29.

Giuliani had previously publicly campaigned for the post, but on Friday he explained his decision to withdraw.

“The whole thing was becoming kind of very confusing and very difficult for the president-elect, and my desire to be in the Cabinet was great, but it wasn’t that great,” Giuliani said in a Fox News interview. “He had a lot of terrific candidates, and I thought I could play a better role being on the outside and continuing to be his close friend and adviser.”

Giuliani said secretary of state was the only position he was pursuing.

“They’re down to the last two, three, four. So, it makes sense to just, you know, get out of the way,” Giuliani added.

The rumor, according to Politico, is that Giuliani self-promoted for the position a little too much. I can see how that may have seemed a little too ambitious for Trump’s liking.
Obama made the mistake of making Hillary, who thought of herself as the president, secretary of state. Same goes for Kerry.
This is exactly why I think Romney, among other things, is wrong for the position. You don’t need a president-wannabe in roaming the globe with their own ideas on how to run things.

13 Comments on Giuliani sees writing on the wall and pulls his name from SOS contention

  1. I think Rudy is an excellent choice for SCOTUS. Much better and more experienced than for Sect of State. Just NOT ROMNEY!! He is in the same category as Al Gore.

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