Give Ukraine Tanks and They’ll Expect Long-Range Missiles – IOTW Report

Give Ukraine Tanks and They’ll Expect Long-Range Missiles

UK Daily Mail

Ukrainian officials last night said they expect Western allies to provide their armed forces with long-range missiles after the UK, US, Germany and several other nations agreed to send battalions of tanks long-sought by Kyiv.

Presidential advisor Mikhailo Podolyak told The Daily Telegraph: ‘Right now we are seeing a sharp change in sentiment among the political elites of European countries… we will reach, I am sure, no doubt, an agreement on long-range missiles.’

In a devastating blow to the Kremlin, nine countries joined Britain yesterday in agreeing to send tanks to destroy Russia’s forces in eastern Ukraine. The coalition came together just 48 hours after Boris Johnson’s rallying cry in the Daily Mail, imploring the UK’s allies to end their dithering. More

25 Comments on Give Ukraine Tanks and They’ll Expect Long-Range Missiles

  1. The United States is the bad guy here. And that really pisses me off. Ukraine has already lost this war so WTF? Our CIA is running all over South America installing communist Governments. And mean while the bad guys ruling us would benefit greatly from a Thermal Nuclear war. Especially if they hit Ukraine. That would keep the news cycle busy. We are currently living in very dangerous times.

  2. Redacted and another source are saying that no sooner were the lateast tank deliveries announced, Zelenskyy started asking for F-16’s again.

    Nuke Submarines & a Space Shuttle next FFS?

    Redacted with Clayton Morris has some interesting segments lately. I don’t believe all of it though. 40 to 60%

  3. VladJr, if you think there is a peacenik following Putin once he passes I’m afraid you are way wrong! That’s like saying if Biden is removed from office we will have someone competent take over.

  4. Wow, that’s a lot of different, very complex platforms that the small Ukrainian army needs to learn to operate, repair, stock parts for, and have a variety of different ammunition for.

    But lined up awaiting training they will be very pretty targets that will do the Ukes no good at all. Like the planes parked for display at Pearl Harbor and the ships at anchor nearby, and likely to meet the same end.

  5. I bet VladJr lives in a very strategic heavily populated area. Let’s hope he can catch that nuke in his ass cheeks. What an ignorant fool. I guess shit gets real about the time you see the mushroom cloud.

  6. VladJr, if you think there is a peacenik following Putin once he passes I’m afraid you are way wrong! You will never ever convince me that he deserves to stay alive, ever!

  7. Don’t blame the Z man. He’s only asking for what he has been told the US is planning to provide.

    Maybe it’s just me, but LRM might be seen in Russia as a tad provocative and threatening.

    Perhaps our masterminds believe the threat of LRM will push Russia into a corner and frighten them into submission.

    Someone in DC ought to crack open a history book and read the chapter about what happens to both victors and losers in war. The only ones who win are the consultants and the arms merchants.

  8. Follow the money.

    Why isn’t our vaunted “Press” doing the research and screaming the headlines on who is enriching himself at the American taxpayers’ expense?

    The Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey’s just a tool – there’s big money behind him.

    Is the “Press” keeping quiet because they expect a few pennies to fall their way?
    The “Press” and the Agencies have sold their souls for cups of rice.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Russia will continue as long as Ukraine doesn’t take the death, destruction and carnage to russian cities.
    In War there are no rules, retaliation is in all the play books.
    The US and allies:
    (See “Dresden”, considered one of the world’s most beautiful cities owing to its architecture and art treasures. During the war, however, it was almost completely destroyed by massive bombing raids that took place on the night of February 13-14, 1945)


    ( March 10, 1945, U.S. B-29 bombers flew over Tokyo in the dead of night, dumping massive payloads of cluster bombs equipped with a then-recent invention: napalm.)

    Many other examples of indiscriminate destruction of infrastructure and civilian populations by all sides of a conflict.

  10. I sure wish the Russians would wrap this up and remove the Urkain govt as a one stop money laundering operation for the corruptocrats in Washington DC. That is the thing about this that is in the interests of the American people at this point in history.

  11. The most amazing thing to me is that there doesn’t seem to be a single person suggesting we work on a peaceful end to this conflict. Except for that “war-mongering threat to our democracy” known as Donald Trump.

  12. @Sell More Bombs: I was actually just wondering if anyone is seriously trying to broker a peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine. Biden’s administration does not seem interested in this (probably with good reason). The UN isn’t interested. Our media seems more keen on making sure that Ukraine gets more military hardware than finding a peaceful solution.

    Russian and Ukrainian officials have had some talks that haven’t progressed beyond the stage of “we will negotiate when you are dead.” But to have the best chance of success, peace negotiations should involve the United States and the EU as intermediaries, and this doesn’t seem likely anytime soon.


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