GiveSendGo Hacked – IOTW Report

GiveSendGo Hacked


The fundraiser page of the Canadian Trucker protesters or “Freedom Convoy,” which has been protesting over COVID-19 vaccine mandates and other pandemic restrictions, has been frozen and appears to have been hacked. More

17 Comments on GiveSendGo Hacked

  1. “The protests, which have been associated with the anti-vaccination movement…”

    …noce big, fat lie there, “News”week.

    It’s anti-poison jab MANDATE, NOT “Anti-vaxx”.

    Stick whatever you want in YOUR arm, Skippy. Just don’t try to force it on everyone ELSE is the point.

    …not even gonna dignify the “far-right” trope you soylings always throw in there. I know MEN scare you, and everything you don’t like is “far-right”, so just keep lying Leroy, that’s why you’re crap is only online now, not even good enough to line birdcages with…

  2. Ever played checkers with a spoiled brat kid that will knock the board over if they start losing? That is the same response as this type of behavior. The progressive movement is populated by perpetual children and this is how they lash out when they are losing.

  3. When activity is questionable, it’s getting harder & harder to hide it, fund it & organize it. The wild west days of the internet seem to be over, even the dark web is no longer safe to hide criminal activity. Whats this world coming to.

  4. It appears that the Canadian .GOV is doing everything they can to maintain control of their supposed minions. It’s time to hoist the Jolly Roger get real! Protests aren’t doing it, so the next step is obvious.

  5. Tony R, I said “questionable” activities! Could be they were smarter!
    They were able to hide better. The amounts, money taking in could be very different. Timing too, they BLM might run into the same problems at this time. Don’t tell me wrong again, dirtbag. I’m not the one trying to shutdown government, international trade & whatever else they thought they could pull off.

  6. anonymous dirtbag

    Could be they didn’t need GoFuckMe when they had the support of the demonrat cult plus receiving millions from woke corporations. Exactly how many police shootings of black criminal thugs have been prevented by gutting Portland and Minneapolis?

  7. 1. Made donations to fund the “wrong” type of protest. In their own name. Normalcy bias.

    w. Canada is going into martial law status, calling it by another name.

    3. 60% of the world’s population has been jabbed with a type of jab that has killed the animals it was tested on, was not correctly tested on humans.

    What’s it all mean? This: Imagine that we all are on an airliner that has all the engines failed. We’ve been gliding around losing altitude for the past 2 years. We now have just descended below 1000 feet. What is in front of the plane is where we are going to land.

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