Giving one’s life the illusion of meaning – IOTW Report

Giving one’s life the illusion of meaning

My progressive douche of a brother is, by many measures, a failure, while his immediate family is a family of doers.

My dad had 2 jobs when I was growing up. My mother worked. My other brother was already traveling the world as a musician while still in his teens. My career started before I got out of college, working in the field I chose while still a student.

The future progressive?

Witnessing this just fueled his self-pity.

He worked on excuses as to why his wheels were spinning. Everything was always someone else’s fault. There was a conspiracy against him, so why even venture outdoors to try and get something started?

Somehow he got married to a woman with a very good job and he became a professional househusband. There was a certain amount of self-consciousness, but all that seemed to melt away when he found leftwing radicalism.

He was able to, in his mind, change the narrative from, “what does he do?” to “he’s so passionate about the world.” It fools many people, maybe even at times himself, into thinking he’s of some importance. He’s not. He’s an interchangeable carbon unit with scores of others just like him. They create the illusion that their lives have meaning by declaring war against bogeymen in order to emerge heroic.

A copy of The Nation in tow at family get-togethers is the proxy for the leather briefcase that was never to be. And as family members discuss their individual achievements and progress, the “progressive ” (way too ironic) gets more and more concerned about world problems, caused chiefly by the achievers.

The anger and spittle is inversely proportional to our happiness and contentment. And the angrier the progressive gets, the more they feel their lives have purpose and meaning. This is a sickness that feeds upon itself.

I am positive if I had contact with my brother he would accuse me of being a racist because that is the hottest new lyric in the loser club’s ever-changing theme song. (Remember when we were just merely selfish and greedy?) I’m hearing stories about families being ripped apart by these insane accusations, that’s how absurd life has become trying to coexist with progressives in 2019.

Being a white knight to the downtrodden people of color is about the noblest thing one can do, I guess. It’s certainly more important than getting a job and providing for your family, right?

Instead of their tombstone reading “He Did Nothing,” it will read, “Man, He Was Something.” But we all know better.

This mental illness is very dangerous. There’s not that much of a leap from “you’re a racist” to “you must be jailed or exterminated.”

I’m not kidding. It would be the ultimate service to the world from a mentally ill self-loathing loser, who’s in a desperate search for meaning and importance, to be so godlike.

Stay alert.

39 Comments on Giving one’s life the illusion of meaning

  1. Spot on.

    When a person lives in proximity to the filthy reprobates it is a pattern with them. Particularly this “Being a white knight to the downtrodden people of color is about the noblest thing one can do, I guess. It’s certainly more important than getting a job and providing for your family, right?”

    Virtue signaling pieces of shit is the Alpha and the Omega and everything else in between of their pathetic existence

  2. So passionate about the environment that he can tell you that 97% of scientists agree… yet cannot provide any supporting data, nor can explain to any detail why driving a hybrid or electric is better for the environment.
    So passionate about gun control that he can tell you how many mass shootings there have been, and how just ‘closing the loophole’ would save so many lives. Clams up when presented with FBI data regarding lives saved by gun owners, high vs. low gun violence areas, etc.
    So passionate about health care… etc., etc., etc.

    I call them Headline Readers. But remember, they both know more and are more caring than you. They are ‘legends in their own minds’ (per Dirty Harry).

  3. Lemme guess… Your loser bro’ has one of those obnoxious, passive-aggressive “Hate Has No Home Here” signs in front of his wife’s house, which basically says that if you don’t believe in progressive bullshit, then you’re a “hater”. Fuck these people, such sanctimonious do-nothing frauds. The only thing they manage to accomplish is to put the worst kind of people imaginable in political power, because they’re so fucking stupid and don’t know the difference between words and deeds.

  4. What gets me is- If a brother or sister has known you all of their life, never accused you of sexism, racism, or other isms, how the fuck do you all of a sudden become a racist or any other cist JUST BECAUSE?

    Luckily, I’m not in that situation, but I’m thinking- I would have to cut them off… before I was made to feel like I had to cut something off them. lol

  5. @ TheMule JULY 31, 2019 AT 2:55 PM

    If they could limit it to being “sanctimonious do-nothing frauds” they might not be so completely insufferable. They are not content with keeping their Goddamned hands off that which they have no business touching, they live their lives to destroy.

  6. My brother wasn’t quite that bad but he was a die-hard union Democrat and Obama fanatic, until he got royally, no-lube screwed on healthcare. Hard. So last I heard, he voted Trump. But only because Obama made him mad, I suspect. All well and good to get Trump in office, but should another knight in shining armor come riding along from the left and offer to save the unions, I have to wonder where his core allegiance will lie.

  7. It seems like maybe the depression a normal person would feel about being a “loser” was turned outward into anger at those who make him feel like a loser. Instead of really trying to help others, he becomes one of those whose moral preenings about helping others makes him feel like he is no longer a loser.

  8. I don’t understand this self-hating caucasian shit.
    Look, I’m half white, half black. Am I supposed to hate myself? Be ashamed?
    Be embarrassed because of ‘color’?

    That’s a sickness. No, it actually IS a sickness. It’s a mental problem (I forget the name of if, somebody here would know. lol) It’s NOT NORMAL. And if you don’t have the actual mental illness then you are just a fucking hypochondriac. Either way, you dumb motherfuckers need HELP.

    Progs are always on high alert emotionally. They feel like are victims and feel like they are oppressors, both at the same time.


  9. My cousin and his wife were a-political when they had their son. They divorced when wife started ‘seeing’ other men. Son was 16. After several years, I learned that ex-wife started to turn left while my cousin had remarried to an ex-Marine (she is great). They both came out conservative about the same time as ex-wife turned left. Son was living on his own and cousin said he was just as conservative as he was.

    Then Son met a women, now living together. She moved him away from family and friends and now has her hooks in him. My sister and I were going to go visit him until she told me of a Facebook rant he made about how horrible OrangeManBad was.

    Nope, I don’t have to put up with that. His dad has tried to talk to him, but no luck. Sorry kid.

  10. My mother was paranoid in the literal sense. She had a mental condition. She thought the neighbors were watching her. That people walking by the house were peering inside her windows. That when something in the house was misplaced it was obvious that a sneak thief had come in and taken it. Growing up had its problems for me, but as I got older I realized how miserable that condition must have been for her. I was always happy and optimistic and loved being around people. She was depressed and lonely and hated everyone. She couldn’t be reasoned with. You couldn’t “explain” things to her. To me the whole world was a glorious place. But then one day I had the realization that she was living in a totally different world. IN HER WORLD people were sneaky and weird. Looking out at the world THROUGH HER EYES must have been terrifying. I’ve never forgotten that moment when I could see how scary the world must have been for her. It didn’t make her any more pleasant to be around, but at least I could try to understand her life. A few years before she died, a visiting nurse got her a prescription for Zoloft. It made her symptoms much better and she was more interesting to be around.

    The problem with the Progressives in my life today doesn’t seem to be that they are CRAZY. They have just forgotten what normal is. I am starting to come to the conclusion that mankind is being “sorted out” right now: those that are determined to live according to their own truth and those that are willing to live according to The Truth.

  11. My two daughters are libs, son is a rock ribbed, gun toetin, animal huntin’ conservative.
    The 2nd went to Whittier College, Quaker, they didn’t even publish grades, she and I are distant.
    Gotta give her credit, she earned a free ride, hard worker, lots of scholarships, HS GPA 4.8.
    Yeah I asked the same question, she was taking college courses, counted for more.
    The #1 is not as bad, lives in Portland, whew, distant as well, she tries.
    Both are pretty sure I am a caveman.
    Son is in Germany until the end of the year, not a soldier but military, sort of, it’s a secret, really.
    We talk weekly.

  12. Another bad thing with the Left is that when some of them get up in the morning, they’re looking through the celebrity gossip on social media and want to be exactly the same as the currently popular celebutard.

  13. Well said, BFH. They’re so invested in always being correct and righteous and better than the lowly conservative neanderthals that they can’t even entertain a different opinion. To do so might mean that maybe, possibly, they could be wrong about something, and that can’t happen. They can’t even abide the thought. Thus, the violence and disproportionate reactions to EVERYTHING from the right. You can’t reason with someone who’s lost the ability to reason, and there are way too many of them out there.

  14. My daughters are old enough to begin asking questions about such things, and they do. I do not hesitate to use the word “evil” wherever it applies, but I make sure to explain how and why it’s evil. This hopefully gives them the frame of reference and foundation to start analyzing and thinking for themselves. They’re not going to get it anywhere else.

    And when they’re older, when they are tempted to hang a left (as most youth are) I will have taught them to very carefully weigh what’s being sold to them against past performance (human history), as there’s indeed nothing new under the sun and never will be.

  15. The problem is simple.
    Your brother is a boy.
    That final step into manhood was missed.
    Same with most liberals.
    Adulthood is not about being old enough to drink, its about being adult enough not to puke on oneself in public.

  16. I have four siblings and our parents have been married for 50+ years. We are all Trump voters. Youngest sibling reconnected with some random dude from high school a couple of months ago. She had a crush on him in high school and is “madly” in love with him. They went from “in a relationship” to “engaged” on Facebook in less than a month (from re-connection). Our 18-year-old daughter looked at this guy’s Facebook page and said, “He’s a Trump hater. I know all I need to know about him!” Why would you want to live with, let alone marry, someone whose values are opposed to your own?

  17. Toxic narcissists always blame others or the boogie man for problems they’ve created for themselves. My son is one of them. His older by 5 years sister is an amazing woman. The son a college grand is near worthless and unfortunately I co-signed for student loans. Nothing but lies have come out of his mouth for over ten years. Everyone gets a different story or version of the lies. Screwed over my elderly father to the tune of 97k and left. The mess was left for me to clean, as always. He shacked up produced off spring had two dogs and smoked weed and played video games for a life. Fire broke out in rented house and he lost everything and everyone. Moved in with me, stupid effing me again. No lessons learned, community pour out love and money to him, he borrowed cash from others and fled, again to shack up with another who tossed him out within 3 weeks. Poor young man now lives with college friends in another state. /I will no longer participate in his life/ This was the very short version of the story. Sad very sad …

  18. Nearly all family (or those we speak with) are conservative. My ex & his family are completely left and their lives are stuffed full of misery and unfulfilled promise. It shows on them, except for the ones with enough money to insulate themselves from the consequences of their bad decisions. I almost feel sorry recognizing their disconnect, until I have to deal with the arrogance, which isn’t often.

    I believe Williamson speaks to them. She provides some higher calling crap they can patch onto the dysfunctional Rube Goldberg philosophy of their lives. I’ve dropped this a couple of places. I’m sticking by my comment at the end.

    “It is a task of our generation to recreate the American politeia, to awaken from our culture of distraction and re-engage the process of democracy with soulfulness and hope. Yes, we see there are problems in the world. But we believe in a universal force that, when activated by the human heart, has the power to make all things right. Such is the divine authority of love: to renew the heart, renew the nations, and ultimately, renew the world.”-Bitch for G-d (her own term), Marianne Williamson.

    Yep. Bunker sales going through the roof if she gets the nomination, because this kind of messianism always goes well.

    P.S. Can’t get rid of the italics tag at the end of Williamson, even though it’s properly inserved.

    Fixed the italics for you. / comes before the i, you had it after. Claudia

  19. MJA, thanks it’s been a tormenting bunch of years. I should sit one day and write it all out. I forgive him, because that’s how I am, but I will never invite his wide wake of destruction to return. May God give him peace and understanding.

  20. jagpald, My heart goes out to you. I can’t imagine a child hurting a parent so.

    My sister is going through something like that. It’s really brought it home to me just how hard being a parent is.

    God bless you.

  21. My family are all righties-some more so than others-but none are lefty learners. My friends on the other hand are moderates at best all the way to raging lefty Trump hating progressives. I find them schizophrenic. Social media allows them to be so. They appear normal as I remember them in family vacation, dining out and pet photos etc… but then they lecture with their Trump hate posts and memes for my benefit. I’m now disillusioned like when a Hollywood Star ruins my perceptions of them and I can not unknow or unsee past their meanness or stupidity no matter the character or movie they are in.

    One guy who I went to art school with strived to be a comic book artist to end up drawing porn “comics” for Dungeon and Dragon players. He works at a insurance company in the mailroom and has been there forever. His wife has a great job-so another house husband. He lives in…Chicago.

  22. Some of these stories are hard to read. I have had to cut off family members, but fortunately, they’re in-laws, and the brother who married into that mess passed away. I rarely have contact with any of them.

  23. Congratulations Fur on one of the best articles I have read in some time. The comments are so sincere and close to the heart. We all have a story to tell, and tonight I have read them all with an open mind and heart. Very though provoking and awakening, I see all of you as if you are in the room telling your story.

    Thank you all for what I would call the best read of the year.

  24. “My other brother was already traveling the world as a musician while still in his teens.”

    OMG. I wonder what are the odds I’ve seen him in concert. If he is of the symphony type most likely not but if he’s a rocker then I may have!


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