Glad to have a CIC that doesn’t look down on the military – IOTW Report

Glad to have a CIC that doesn’t look down on the military

30 Comments on Glad to have a CIC that doesn’t look down on the military

  1. Tomorrow on MSNBSEEEE it will be Trump molests young black man because he was missing his hat.

    SeeNN will have Trump positions Marines in a place that destroys their uniforms to embarrass them.

    Faux News will have Trump lingers around until a wind gust to make news about the Marines.

  2. The chatter on UUUTUUBE is both heartening and deplorable. There doesn’t seem to be a middle ground anymore. It gave me tears of happiness. Liberal jerks!

  3. Twitter isn’t showing that. They’re celebrating that an Australian journo expressed his bad opinion of POTUS. I didn’t care to listen to what he said, I just replied that “Trump made pretty clear that he is president of the USA and not of the world. And that’s why we elected him.”

  4. SEENEN breaking report,
    Trump admonishes young black Marine on being out of uniform before
    boarding Marine One.
    It is Rumored that Mattis is demanding an investigation.
    McStain DEMANDS Marine investigation into the disrespect shown to the president.
    Chelsea Graham demands new uniform for transgenders.

  5. I consider ourselves blessed to have Mr Trump as our president. What a guy. Think of all the lies and abuse and hatred he took from the media and both parties in the past year …. and look where he is today. I don’t think anyone else could have done it. That move w the Marine’s hat was very Reagan-esqe, which before long is going to be known as Trump-esqe.

  6. Love this but not sure why that marine is not saluting like the other one. Can someone explain please because I’m unaware of what is expected of them.

  7. Every day there’s a new reason to be proud of Our President.

    Every day, people who did not vote for him last year see new reasons to be glad he’s POTUS.
    If the election were held again today, I would not be surprised if he got 60%.
    And there’s really no point in the Dems even nominating a candidate for 2020.

  8. The ranking soldier is the one required to salute during a detail. The honor of being on a Presidential detail is the second highest honor detail in the military. Guarding the Tombs of the Unknowns is the highest honor detail.

  9. Moe Tom, Do a general search on your search engine. It’ll come up. Just be careful, it looks like CNN and MSNBC are hogging all clipspace on YT.

    (A little insight to Trump: He is fastidious concerning details. The oppo would even say slightly OCD about them. If you want to see a great example, watch the documentary about his private jet and the commentary from his then-employees about everything they (happily) go through to please their employer. I love that he cares so deeply for our military family.)

  10. Gads. What a difference from oppressive obama making a marine hold an umbrella!!’

    Talk about class!!! President Trump naturally exudes class, tempered with keen empathy and kindness. Makes the faux president, obama, look exactly like what he was; a third world bum, groomed and preened by progressives from birth, to destroy America.

  11. They must hate the fact that Trump showed such respect for that Marine at attention. To the dems, military honor guards are simply creatures to be scorned, and belittled. They’ll never publicly admit it but they show their contempt every time they can.

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