Glenn Beck Is Judging Christians For Not Voting For Ted Cruz – IOTW Report

Glenn Beck Is Judging Christians For Not Voting For Ted Cruz

If Cruz loses, “there will be no one else to blame. You can’t blame the progressives. You can’t blame the left. You can’t blame Hillary Clinton. You can’t blame anyone else but the Christians who are not living and voting their principles,” said Glenn.

There’s something a little off-putting about a Christian calling out Christians for not being Christian enough if they vote for someone other than Ted Cruz.

He’s asking that everyone join him in a fast ahead of the Nevada caucus. That fast will be tomorrow.


HT. Dr. Jay

40 Comments on Glenn Beck Is Judging Christians For Not Voting For Ted Cruz

  1. Well, at least he’s somewhat consistent.

    “On his radio program today, Beck and his co-hosts were declaring that never again will they support a Republican presidential nominee that they don’t agree with simply because they dislike that candidate less than the Democratic candidate, saying they’ve had to do so with every GOP nominee since Ronald Reagan, including Mitt Romney.” (from 2013)

    I still don’t take his advice on anything, but I gotta give him credit on this much.

  2. Well, he thinks you can have your very own planet someday and that God (the Father) was an ordinary dude at one time. He adopted this theology – not born into it.

    So…what was his opinion again?

  3. I’ve always been a Cruz fan, never thought he’d win POTUS this time, but none the less a fan. But any politician who plays the religion card is automatically un-trustworthy to me.

    The best thing about Ted running, is that it woke me up about him, and I’ll never entirely trust him again.

  4. I used to like Glen Beck.
    Then he got all puffed up with his own sense of urgency.
    Now he spouts inanities.
    He needs to hike the Appalachian trail.
    He needs to reflect and get perspective.

  5. Beck lost me way back when…I have nothing against his religion; he’s entitled to his beliefs, but I have my doubts about religions who abstain from drink and tobacco, and have polygamy as a founding tenet. Even Jesus drank wine.

  6. “I’ve always been a Cruz fan, never thought he’d win POTUS this time, but none the less a fan. But any politician who plays the religion card is automatically un-trustworthy to me.”

    Does the fact that he actually believes bother you less or more than the appeals made to Jeremiah Wright’s church on Aboma’s behalf, or the staged Clinton photoshoot walking to a church with a Bible under his arm? No wrong answers, just curious.

  7. I remember when Beck said we were racyciss if we were going to vote for Newt Gingrich, too. I thought Beck said he was going to STFU and stay out of the public eye?

    mickeymoussaoui: He switched to Mormonism because his wife wouldn’t marry him if he didn’t stop drinking and join her religion, I think.

    I don’t hold Beck’s mind-numbing stupidity against Cruz like I don’t hold the mind-numbing stupid shit Trump’s supporters say, against Trump. [ ie: the neo nazi fans and the racist diarrhea tweeting Katrina Pierson did.]

    At least the right makes fun of and shames those types of people. Unlike the left. Right?


  8. I want to vote for Cruz for his Constitutional smarts not because he’s the headline preacher at a big tent church revival.

    What was he thinking with bringing Beck into the mix?!?

  9. I am not perfect. Who am I to think that I know what is in the heart of another? However, God has provided a love letter to us (the Bible) to enable us to know him.

    Matthew 7:16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?

    God does not work like a genie in a bottle. A person who thinks this way does not understand the Providence of God.

  10. Saying that there’s something off-putting about Glenn Blecch’s posturing here is sort of like saying that there’s something off-putting about the poor grammar of the schizophrenic homeless public masturbater on the corner ranting at the voices in his head.

    NTTAWWT! (-:

  11. Mormon’s aren’t Christians…as much as they may claim the title for themselves, they believe a different gospel and a different Jesus. Mormons disavow the fundamental foundations of Christian theology (which is nicely summarized in the Nicean Creed) which are agreed upon by all three branches of Orthodox Christianity (Roman Catholics, Protestants and Eastern Orthodox.)

    Put it this way, all three branches of Christianity have their own theological understandings of different parts of the faith, but all stand firm that these beliefs are the bedrock which are the minimum agreed upon basics that define what it is to be a Christian. Once you deny any these points, you move from Christianity to cult (defined as a religious belief outside Orthodoxy which borrows parts from Christian belief but which stands apart from the fundamentals…the creeds themselves were statements made against different cult/un-orthodox heresies to declare beliefs which were entirely antithetical to declaring oneself a Christian.

    Sorry Beck, your theology sucks just as bad as your unhinged rants.

  12. Christians don’t introduce you to Christ’s teaching to put you in a box or chain you to a group.The introduction is to free you and your soul. It is your choice to follow a certain religious style or be bound by those in charge of some religions. I prefer the freedom Christ has given me. A fisher of man does not need hooks or a net.

  13. I believe that Ted Cruz is a genuine Christian. That doesn’t mean that he’s supposed to be perfect, just that he puts God first in his life. And that’s important to me. This life is short.

    But Beck, …. I would not even want to sit next to that guy in church; I’d probably find a different church to attend too. I would, however, sit next to Trump in church if he invited me. Mostly out of curiosity.

    my smashed .0002 pesos.

  14. I’ll vote for Trump in the primary but I’ll vote for whoever opposes Hillary in the general. Be it Cruz or Rubiobot or whoever.

    Shoot, I voted for Ron Paul in the primaries in the past. Just out of principles. But a smart person GETS OVER IT and votes AGAINST the enemy in the general.

    Beck needs to STFU and quit judging people. “judge not lest you be judged” and all that.

  15. I am a follower of Jesus Christ, a Cruz supporter, and I’ll be blamed if I’m going to listen to or associate with the likes of Glenn “Angel Moroni” Beck! Cruz needs to tell him to sit down, shut up and go home!

  16. Did Blech cry when he said it? Cuz he cries more than John Boner does!
    Who the check is he to be judging anyone’s Christianity anyway? We don’t even let the Pope get away with that!
    Whatever happened to humble religion where your relationship with The Lord was between you & The Lord – not something you bragged about to get money and votes? Holier than thou types have always struck me as disingenuous.

  17. I should state that I would even vote for Rubio if he looked like the only possible winner in the general. But I honestly think that the other candidates, besides Trump and Cruz, are too weak to get us out of this mess; weak enough to give the dems everything they want, on a silver tax-payer-funded platter.

    I’m not bashing Rubio, he just reminds me of the kid in school who never tried to fight the bully when he came to steal his lunch money. Lacking a strong war cry. But he would be my #3 candidate. Hate to even think about who #4 would be, hurts my head to get that close to communism.

  18. Was a major Beck fan in the early days with his FOX show. And he did predict a lot of what happened in the Middle East.

    Spent lots of money to attend his 8/28 event in DC. Whoa! No politics, just religion.

    History and politics elevated him to the national stage. Don’t want him “preaching” religion to me. That’s personal and none of his business.

  19. Beck is bananas and has no clue about Christianity. He’s a self righteous loon. Cruz must be putting up with Beck’s wacky antics because Beck has donated a massive amount of money to his campaign.

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