Glenn Beck Keeping It Real – IOTW Report

Glenn Beck Keeping It Real

Glenn Beck threatens that if you vote for Trump you’re not a real Christian.

“The problem is, we all say we’re living our Christian faith [but] we’re not living our Christian faith because no Christian, no real Christian — I don’t mean a judgmental Christian, I mean somebody who’s living their faith — no Christian says, ‘I want that guy [Trump], that guy is the guy for me. Nobody, nobody.”


43 Comments on Glenn Beck Keeping It Real

  1. Beck, Mormons aren’t Christians, start there first, I think Matthew 7 applies: Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.

  2. At least he dint say “it’s not who we Christians are”,
    or did he?
    (I wouldn’t listen to Beck even if I had to smash up my radio to turn him off.

  3. Latinos, women, christians, muslims, liberals, educated folks, black folk — None of you can vote for Trump according to sources. The only people who are permitted to vote Trump are soulless under-educated male crackers who are hellbent on destroying the world. Does that sum up the proper voting bloc?

  4. “so and so is not a real Christian” is the bleat of the religious bigot.
    Mormons aren’t real Christians look to the scriptures for proof.
    Catholics aren’t real Christians, you know graven images and all that.
    You can apply that to every sect and offshoot of Christianity since zero A.D.

  5. JohnS, I’m sorry, you are dead wrong. The Nicean creed states the foundational beliefs for all three branches of historic, orthodox Christianity (Catholic, Protestant and Eastern Orthodox). These are the fundamentals which actually define what beliefs you must hold to be a Christian…period. There are many points of differentiation and debate beyond these, but these are the boundaries. Mormonism outright denies multiple points…and is a poly-theistic system (multiple gods).

  6. @JohnS: I wish I could have given you 100 thumbs up for your comment. I don’t profess to be anything because none of us can live up to what the church thinks we ought to be nor can they live up to it either. I don’t pay tithe, I don’t go to church.and I think for myself and not what a sinner in the pulpit wants me to hear or think.

    I look at Glen Beck and I see a pathetic piece of $hit who is brainwashed all the way down to his sacred underwear. He believes he is made of finer clay than the rest of us. A religious zealot is a dangerous zealot, they are no different than the muzzies following Allah, Glenn Beck follows the teachings of Joseph Smith, a false prophet. I’m following my heart, I’m voting for Trump. I know whom and what I believe in. GO TRUMP!

  7. Beck is why Christians get mocked. He needs to lay off. Trump has said he’s a Christian, who am I or anyone else to say he’s not? Is it because he sins? Sure he does. We all do even Christians because we’re human.

  8. Brian in BC; even were I to accept your argument that back in the second century a group gave you justification, you have not refuted my point.
    There are almost no Christians that practice Christianity in the way it was done when Jesus walked among us.
    If you lay claim to knowing what is in another mans heart, then what you are is laid bare to all.

  9. Uh, no JohnS, that’s a straw man. The Nicean creed is the fundamental list of the minimum beliefs all Christians must agree to, period. Mormonism denies multiple points of these beliefs which by definition removes them from the collective definition of Christian. It’s the equivalent of Bruce Jenner calling himself a woman, he can call himself this all he wants but his DNA (foundation) declares himself a man, no amount of “dress-up” can alter this truth.

  10. When most of pray we are talking to God and not Glenn Beck. Apparently he wished to play God and judge the quick and the dead.
    Beck appears to have replaced alcohol addiction with religious addiction. He surely has the psychosomatic illness, the magical thinking, the judgemental fault finding and self-righteous superiority of this problem finely honed.

  11. Thank you Brian, now I don’t have to say anything…. though it was bugging the heck-fire-damnation out of me.

    It is spelled Nicene, isn’t it ?… though maybe it’s spelled differently in different countries.

    I think even the Apostles Creed, which is much much shorter, excludes the LDS people from the definition of orthodox faith and puts them into their own colorful category, i.e. heterodoxy.

    I find it hilarious when Beck goes on and on about what Christianity is. He has no clue. He has a lot of feelings though. Faithy feelings. Hand him a teddy and say good night.

  12. On this Good Friday, what I want to know is who the fuck Glenn Beck is to decide who is and isn’t a Christian? What a presumptuous little twit.

    OT, but let me register my annual complaint that my employer, the New York State Unified Court System, is not closed today. Martin Luther King day is a state holiday, however. I am home today, but I had to take a vacation day.

    Gimme a break. If MLK was really all that and a bag of chips, then tell me why there isn’t a statue of his mother in front of any Roman Catholic churches.

  13. Uh…..Brian in BC…..the Scriptures are all you need to know how to be a Christian. THAT is the starting point. As long as Creeds adhere to what is written there and not some tradition of men, then they are good….but Scripture is the final authority.

  14. Brian; seriously?
    A group of men, a few hundred years after Jesus’s ascension determine what is and is not Christianity?
    So, this is different from what the Mormons have done?
    Exactly how is that? If there is a cut off date for determining what Christianity is, it can only be either zero A.D. or Rapture. Any manmade date is as relevant as the ravings of a lunatic.
    Unless, of course, you received your own set of gold plates.

  15. Christ Himself said to judge, but with righteous judgment (John 7:24). That means according to the revealed Word of God, which the LDS dismiss as corrupted due to its missing “plain and precious” truths, and so has been superseded by Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, D&C, and whatever the current prophet says. I fear it’s far too late for Cruz to distance himself not from Mormons but from Beck.

  16. Jerry Manderin….thanks for the video. I’ve read many books on Mormonism but this ties the ribbon on the package of absolute bullshit. I may be able to excuse a child born into this cult but Beck actually swallowed the kool-aid laced manure as an adult. Anyone who claims the pile is a religion has a screw loose and I refused to vote for Romney just for that reason. Fuck Glenn Beck, he’s not a Christian…just another spiritual hijacker. When that bunch of assholes stole the souls of dead Jews to add to their churchroles, they became brownshirt terrorists. I hope everyone that participated in that scam contracts cancer and dies a slow painful death. I am a Jew and everytime I hear he and Cruz utter the phrase “judeo-christian values” I want to vomit.

  17. JohnS and Lead Salad. If you study Church history, what you find is that even in the New Testament, there were arguments and disagreements about what Christianity/the Gospel actual meant, who was Jesus, what did He do, why did He come (see Paul’s writings for examples (I follow Paul, I follow Apollos) etc. Heck much of Paul’s writings are to outline right and wrong thinking.

    Enter the post apostolic age, more questions came about, more different interpretations and frankly, more questions were raised. The early Church councils were convened to set out what the fundamentals of belief that everyone could agree upon were, in the context of standing against various heretical teachings which were being introduced into the church. To this day, each of the three streams of Christianity all agree that these are the beliefs which you must agree to to declare yourself a Christian. The Creeds themselves are not “the Bible” but each of their statements is derived from the Bible, think of them as a summary of the key points.

    There has been mention of behaviours as indicative of following Christianity, however, this has never been part of the gospel…actually it’s antithetical to the gospel. There are Muslims, Atheists, Hindus and Mormons who all behave with much greater personal alignment to the commandments “love your neighbour as yourself” and yet their worldview (fundamental beliefs about the nature of reality) in no way align with Christian beliefs.

    Back to Mormonism and why it cannot be declared anything other than a non-Christian cult. Their fundamental beliefs are utterly at odds with several distinctives of the historical orthodox Christian Faith:

    Christians are mono-theists (one God), Mormons are poly-theists.
    Christians believe the Gospel message is salvation by grace (free gift), Mormons (and every other religion in the world) believe in salvation by works. Christians believe Jesus is “one in being” with the Father (homoousia), Mormons believe Jesus was a separate created being. Christians believe Satan was a fallen angel utterly at odds with God, Mormons believe Lucifer is the “spirit brother” of Jesus. Christians believe heaven is living in peace with God for eternity, Mormons believe every male believer gets their own planet to populate as their own God (hence the multiple wives to populate it with). Christians believe the Bible is complete, Mormons believe there are 2 additional books which need to be believed (Book of Mormon and Pearl of Great Price)…I could go on but these beliefs are all completely at odds with historical Christianity.

    Ultimately, I’ll leave you with these two points, Jesus asked: “Who do you say that I am? Christians and Mormons answer this question totally differently. And interestingly enough in Galatians, Paul states: “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.” Mormons (and Muslims) both have “different gospels” presented to their founders by “angels”. I’d say this also confirms that we as Christians were called to be aware of people who would claim new revelations/beliefs/gospels from angels with messages completely at odd with Biblical orthodoxy.

    I wish you well this Easter Weekend.

  18. We nailed Him to a cross, to die for OUR sins.

    And He rose on the Third Day to refute man’s “mastery” of justice, and to give the Light of the Living God, the true Master of Justice, to the whole world.

    Christians, Jews, and Musselmen … (Mormons, too) …

    And rejoice that man’s self-importance is phantasmagorical delusion, at best.

    Reflect upon THAT this Good Friday.

  19. Having a form of godliness won’t cut it Glenn, old boy (2 Timothy 5, NIV). Mormonism misses the mark and as a Christian who believes in the Blood shed sacrifice and Resurrection of Christ, the deity of The Father, Son, and The Holy Spirit, salvation by grace through God and the Truth of The Gospel and The One True and Living God, I don’t take advice from a cultist.

  20. Brian,,,,the question is what is a “real” Christian. Not what do we look to for Doctrine or Theology. How to be a real Christian does not depend on councils or creeds, but what is found in Scripture. The Bible has all that is needed right there to tell a person how to be saved. It says so itself. It also has everything to develop right doctrine and right theology. My issue is saying Roman Catholics are Christian. While I know some are….it is in spite of Rome’s teachings. They are exactly like the Judaizers…..adding something to the simple message of the gospel. Adding things to Christs work. Like we have something to add. If we do, it’s not Grace. He was the one who said “It is finished”.

    Have a blessed weekend.

  21. @Lead Salad…we are entirely in agreement with your last post.

    Who is Jesus, what is the Gospel? These are the critical questions. You and I answer them in alignment with the truth as it has been passed down to us since the Apostles. When someone else comes in, changes the answers to those questions and claims to be on the same team, I’m afraid they are deceiving themselves.

    I agree with you that we don’t need the creeds, however, I would point out to you that Mormons, JW’s, Christian Scientists and others who preach a different Christ and different gospel claim they follow the Bible too…with twisted interpretations which no orthodox stream of Christianity has followed…ever. Hence, coming back to the creeds as helpful lists of the foundational beliefs which have been extracted from the Bible that “Christians” universally agree upon…there is a whole different discussion if we want to look at the schisms between the three branches of orthodoxy, where they went their own ways and how their beliefs may now have components of significant error. A “Christian” has a certain set of beliefs defining their worldview, and their relationship to Jesus, salvation, faith etc. Once someone starts denying these fundamentals, it must be questioned if they can claim to be “Christian” any longer. (The study of the early heresies is fascinating, and what you discover is that almost every “cult” today really is going back to beliefs which the church rejected as false early in it’s history.)

    Blessings…my family and I went to the most awesome Good Friday service today…best I’ve ever been to…just really set the tone for the weekend…looking forward to Sunday…blessings.

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