Glenn Schmuck Has a Theory – IOTW Report

Glenn Schmuck Has a Theory

Here it is:

Trump is helping Hillary win.

That’s why he’s running and spending his own money, it’s to help Hillary.

And after Hillary wins the Clintons are going to owe Trump favors and Trump will get… rich?

Ummm, Glenn. Why wouldn’t the guy who is leading in the polls just go ahead and win the presidency?

Part of this plan, Mr. Genius, is that Trump would have to be doing extremely well. In fact, he’d have to win the primary in order to take a dive and hand Hillary the Oval Office.

That’s quite a plan. Maybe we should call it Ocean’s Fifteen.

Hillary: Donald, my pal. I have a plan. We want you to run again. But this time you’re going to have to win the primary. Think you can do it?

Trump: Well, what’s the idea here?

Hillary: You run, be super popular, lead in all the polls. Thenyou win the primary, and then somehow humiliate yourself at the last moment and I win.

Trump: Ya… uhhh. Okay. Great. Who’s paying for the campaign?

Hillary: You are.


Glenn Beck is an asshole.

34 Comments on Glenn Schmuck Has a Theory

  1. Yeah, Glenn is an asshole, but in a Trump Hillary match-up, Trump loses by 9. Rubio is the closest, he only loses by 1.

    Politics is strange stuff.

    Oh, and BTW, as we speak, somebody is already producing a video to prove crisis actors are involved in the San Berdino shootings, and Glenn will believe it.

  2. I think Hillary is paying Glenn Beck to come up with wing-nut whack-jobbery for sycophant interviewers. But I repeat myself.

    “So, Madame Secretary Clinton, what about that Glenn Beck theory that you’re paying Trump to lose the general election to you? Do you just laugh that stuff off?”

    “Well, you just have to Rachel–I mean, Chris, cacklacklacklacklackl”

  3. I can find a bunch of polls that show Trump winning big over Hillary. As a matter of fact I haven’t seen one that shows him losing to her in about four weeks. Don’t bother linking it. I’m sure Red State has it. I know several people the share Glenn Schmucks view. Some of them post here.

  4. Crap like this is why I stopped listening to him on Sirius. Maybe he’ll go the way of Mike Church and they will let him go. I wish they would replace him with Laura Ingraham.

    Guess Mike Church is now free to join a monastery and mumble over his beads.

  5. Been switching Beck off a lot lately, sad to say because I’ve been a listener since he was only local in New Haven, CT.
    He has this crazy fetish about trying to destroy any Republicans that don’t agree with him at least 95% of the time. The way he spends the entire show bashing Trump is just tedious. Beck did the same thing with Newt last time around, and Newt’s handling of the press then was actually the prototype for what Trump is doing now.
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, I KNOW Trump had some views in the past that are troubling, but he’s gonna build a friggin’ border wall now.
    At least give him the benefit of the doubt as you would a guy who used to be a pathetic down and out drunk who ended up turning his life around.

  6. I used to listen a lot. I liked his FoxNews exposes of Soros, etc.
    I even got a signed copy of his George Washington book. He was doing his signature (left hand) while shaking right hands as people were herded through the Lina at Barnes and Nobles. I read a chapter or two.
    He is losing me completely with his anti Trump agenda as well as going out with welcome arms when those “children and orphans” were coming across the border from Central America.

  7. Here’s a theory: Trump sucks and he’s NOT CONSERVATIVE. He’s a loud mouthed, crass version of Mitt Romney. If you want to have selective memory and forget about all the liberal crap he’s said and done over the course of his life then that’s your choice. But please don’t act like this d-bag represents actual conservatives.

  8. Same here Irony.
    This morning Glenn said that “democrats think republicans are their biggest enemy. Republicans don’t think that democrats are their biggest enemy.”

    Um, Glenn, democrats are fostering our enemies and the destruction of this country.
    So yes GlennStick, they are enemy #1.

    Glenn has some credible ideas but he really has had his head up his ass for quite some time now.

  9. I also used to listen to Beck a lot. I even went to see him live in Columbus. He used to be really good.

    Now, he’s completely off his nut. I guarantee you you cannot turn on his show at any point on any day and you will hear him start bashing Trump. He’s obsessed!

    I think he checks under the bed and in the closet for Trump each night before he goes to sleep.

  10. Well, I’m an “actual conservative” and he represents me. I find that most, maybe all, people who says Trump sucks haven’t been listening to him stump. He does three, sometimes four, rallies on average per week with middle-class voters. He’s doing rallies while his competitors are busy on the rubber chicken circuit at $2,700 a pop fundraising events and black-tie soirees with bundlers.

    He’s not just building a wall, he’s going to rebuild the military, cancel o-care, deport illegals, bring companies back to the U.S., renegotiate our awful trade deals, etc., etc. & etc. That’s all great, but he had me at “wall.”

    “Selective memory” is forgetting about illegal amnesty and common core, two important issues that bush and rubio don’t like to talk about.

  11. Glenn Beck makes me sad. He talks about love and honor and how horrible it is to mock people, then he has a game show on Fridays where he calls up unsuspecting strangers and mocks them. I appreciate all of the research he did to uncover Soros and the Muslim Brotherhood, and the rise of the Caliphate. Other than that, he’s a fucking hypocrite.

  12. I just don’t see Trump allowing himself to be subjected to four years of living in a box, which is what a president has to do.

    Maybe he is in it for the long haul; but based on everything he’s ever said or done before now……..I just don’t see it. Only time will tell.

  13. That sounds like an intelligent sort of comment, but I’m trying to understand what you mean exactly. Do you mean four years of living an exposed life?

    I can’t imagine anything more long-haul than staying on top of the real estate game in NY and around the world. Like many of his associates during the real estate depression of the early ’90s, he could have folded up his tent, but he didn’t. He got smarter, gained ground in a very down market and that’s when he really went big when a lot of people were going home. If you do a little more digging on his business and personal life, you’ll find much that points to his perseverance. If you look for it. A lot of people just don’t like him, so they don’t look.

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