Global Bankruptcy, Sustainable Development, and Propaganda – IOTW Report

Global Bankruptcy, Sustainable Development, and Propaganda

CFP- Ever so caring for the fate of humanity, Pope Francis’ duties have now extended from world climatologist, population control, and critic of free market economics, to expert on global bankruptcy. He said, “The goods of the Earth are meant for everyone, and however much someone may parade his property, it has a social mortgage.”


The Catholic principle of “social mortgage” is the idea that the public has a “legitimate and necessary claim on private wealth and property.”

We are so lucky that we have such a capable Pope who not only tends to the souls of his flock but also to the pockets of the rich and of the downtrodden who are in serious need of wealth redistribution and social justice.

If we allow countries to go bankrupt, we are definitely a heartless bunch.  Just giving them foreign aid and technical expertise to build their own prosperous economy is no longer enough. In the meantime, Christians are being killed and persecuted around the globe by their Muslim brethren, but I digress. MORE


17 Comments on Global Bankruptcy, Sustainable Development, and Propaganda

  1. Soon, the ultimate goal of making the concept of private property illegal will be legislated…………..with the Pope’s approval, of course.

    It’s a Marxists wet dream.

  2. When responding in the obvious affirmative to a query, we used to say, “Is the Pope Catholic?” I make a point to now say, as often as possible, “Is the Pope Communist?”

    The moronic position advocated here by this piece of human excrement inevitably leads to the lazy, corrupt, scammers, con artists, idiots and failures exploding in number like maggots in a stinking corpse on a hot summer day or cockroaches in a filthy kitchen. They will rapidly consume the fruits of the hard-working, talented, productive and successful leaving all in the most horrific suffering and poverty.

  3. Is the Pope Catholic? If you are asking about the current occupant of the throne of Saint Peter… the answer is no.

    Bergoglio is not Catholic, he is a Jesuit of the Marxist liberation theologian stripe. He is an evil man who subscribes to an evil worldview.

    It is more likely than not that Bergoglio is an anti-pope as well. He is nothing more than an obama with a croizer and a miter.

  4. Anyone who asserts that “the public” or “the people” or “society” has (note the telltale singular verb) a claim or a right to something, is in actuality a crook wanting property or power for himself, and hoping that too few individuals see him as a despot or ideologue using collectivist casuistry to befuddle the gullible and greedy who think they will get a cut of the loot.

  5. When the Pope starts auctioning off Vatican artwork and properties and giving the proceeds to Greece, then maybe I will bother to listen to him. But, like all other communists and statists, it is only other people’s money that must be taken for the common good – not your own assets. Besides, all Greece will do is continue to dump money down the rat hole under their lunatic left wing policies, resulting only in more wasted money.

  6. I went to mass at the basillica in St. Louis last Sunday while visiting. After the gospel was read, I knew what was coming in the homily. As soon as the words “social justice” were spoken, for the first time in my life, I stood up and walked out of the mass.

  7. “the public has a “legitimate and necessary claim on private wealth and property.”

    Let’s head to the Vatican for our rightful share, shall we? I’ll just bring a grocery bag to carry mine home in. I’m not greedy.

  8. It’s going to come down to a head: producers/proactivists who rightfully expect the fruits of their labor and the EVER increasing non- producers with more kids on the way. They cannot all be educated enough to support an income for themselves, to rule their own domain. Proper education and hard work would solve this. It would add more tax-paying dollars to the system, done via free market; but “co-exist” is a fallacy. I do not want to work for your lazy ass. Bottom line.

  9. Cough up ALL the gold you stole from the indigenous peoples on every continent throughout history, sell it. Use that money to feed people
    My obligation to the poor stops when they refuse to take tare of them selves.

  10. I am not liking this pope AT ALL. He seems to feel that there are poor and hungry people in the world because of more prosperous, better fed people.

    Au contraire, Pierre. Shall we examine a list, by no means complete, of some of the reasons for poverty/hunger in the world?

    2. Corrupt governments.
    3. Drought, blight, floods, and other acts of God.
    4. Diseases not easily cured.

    I could go on, but you get the idea–His Holiness will NOT be guilt-tripping me into thinking that MY material successes have somehow created the problems with a family of twelve children in some third-world shithole. Especiall while #1 above is still the case.

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