Tokyo (AFP) – Tokyo woke up Thursday to its first November snowfall in more than half a century, leaving commuters to grapple with train disruptions and slick streets.
Snow began falling before dawn with the mercury approaching zero as a cold weather system moved south.
The Japan Meterological Agency said it was the first time snow had fallen in November in central Tokyo since 1962.
Amounts were greater in suburban areas closer to mountains but even central Tokyo saw brief accumulations, which the agency forecast to be as high as two centimetres (one inch).
That was the first November accumulation since records began in 1875, the agency said.
“I was surprised to see snow at such an early stage of the season,” said Hiroko Tanaka, a Tokyo resident.
“I felt this may be a sign of something abnormal in terms of natural phenomena,” she told AFP.
But experts say the situation is nothing to worry about.
“Today’s snowfall and accumulation occurred because several elements came together at once by chance,” said Sakiko Nishioka, an agency official in charge of weather forecasting.
“It does not mean this can signal any unusual weather conditions this season such as a super cold winter,” Nishioka told AFP, adding that it was also unclear if it was related to climate change or events such as El Nino.
Tokyo, which extends over a wide area and includes many suburbs, enjoys relatively mild winters compared to some other parts of the country where snowfall is more frequent.
Television footage showed a resident in the western suburb of Hachioji shoveling snow as the pavement, trees and park benches were covered in white powder.
Local media said at least 47 people were injured in the capital and its environs, including a man in his 40s who broke a wrist after falling on an icy street.
Train and subway services were temporarily suspended or delayed especially in western Tokyo, affecting thousands of commuters during the morning rush hour.
The rare early snow proved ephemeral, however, as it turned to rain and quickly melted in central Tokyo. The agency said temperatures would remain low but sunny weather is expected on Friday.
But an agency official made the best of the opportunity, calling on people to take pictures of snow flakes and post them on Twitter.
Such data is “very important for researching the mechanism of snowfall,” meteorologist Kentaro Araki said in his tweet, which raked in numerous photos of snow flakes set next to one-yen coins for scale.
“Snow is called a letter from the sky,” he said in a separate post, adding that “by building up big data… I want to read into the mind of the clouds that make it snow”.
Unusual winter events signal nothing.
Unusual spring events signal the sky is falling and we must tax the crap out of everyone.
What gets me about GW is that even the scientists claiming it are claiming an increase of about a degree over the past century. But the fanatics are selling huge temperature differences. In Southern CA I have seen really hot summers. I have seen really cool summers. It’s irrelevant. The only question is how a government forcing to do things a certain way would be expected to improve, well, anything.
Well, as someone once observed at Pearl Harbor, “I believe there’s a Nip in the air.”
When facts collide with fiction it becomes a fallacy and we end up with GW, proudly brought to you by liberalism….which is also a fallacy.
@Pissed At The Elite: George Washington wasn’t all that bad, was he?
Naw, he was pretty cool but global warming is a real piece of shit.
Still waiting for the “Yerrow Snow” comments you bunch of racist bastids !
Oh wait, I just did it !
See…that’s the problem right there! You’re not keeping up with the current vinacular it’s Climate Change for crying out loud. Global cooling came first…then when that didn’t pan out it became Global Warming …and now it’s Climate Change, because, well…science. C’mon, man.