GLOBALLY WARM PIZZA – Jet Blue Flies NY Pizzas to LA Residents – IOTW Report

GLOBALLY WARM PIZZA – Jet Blue Flies NY Pizzas to LA Residents

Jet Blue-

As New York’s Hometown Airline®, we know no one does pizza like New York. And guess what, Los Angeles? You can tell your cross-country cravings to prepare for takeoff, because Patsy’s Pizzeria of East Harlem is heading your way. JetBlue is flying cheese and pepperoni pizzas from JFK to LAX. Coast to coast. Crust to crust.

From May 9TH – May 11TH, a limited quantity of 350 pizzas will be available for purchase each day. We’ll deliver to select areas in LA, right to your door. So act fast — ordering opens daily at 12:00AM PDT.
Pizzas are first come, first served!


As Arianna Huffington famously said when asked about being a global warmist while flying all around the world, “the planes are going there anyway!”

So why not put pizza on the plane so lefty LA residents can have their pizza and eat it too?

ht/ abigail adams

31 Comments on GLOBALLY WARM PIZZA – Jet Blue Flies NY Pizzas to LA Residents

  1. This actually isn’t all that out there to us in Alaska – we have float plane pizza delivery to places reached more quickly by plane than car.

    We also have the milk run so pizzas could get to villages or wherever shipping is going on larger planes too.

    I do admit, their distance is much greater, and if they want New York pizza instead of our fabulous Moose’s Tooth brilliance, well, I always said they were nuts.

  2. I’ve had New York pizza. Big whoop. It’s pizza. It’s irritating to hear people say how awesome it is over and over again. Kinda like those dipshits who were going apeshit over Krispy Kreme donuts. It’s a fucking donut. I’ve had many a donut and you know what? They all taste the fucking same. They taste like a donut.

    I’ll tell you what- If I gave a real new york pizza slice to one of those pretentious A-holes but called it, say, North Dakota pizza, they would say, “This pizza sucks! You should try New York pizza! You don’t know what you’re missing. You’ve never had pizza until you’ve had….”

  3. Ahhhh, But Bman, have you had Famous Ray’s NY Pizza!?
    Not the New Famous Ray’s. The Old Famous Ray’s.
    Not The Original Famous Ray’s. Just Famous Ray’s.
    And not the one on E48th, the one on W57th.
    But you can only go when Nunz is working.
    Dominic’s isn’t as good.

  4. I would argue that freshness is far, far more important than whether it is NY or Chicago or something else. Of course the quality has to be decent. Can’t imagine expecting a several hour old pizza to be anything like the original.

  5. Okay, as a person that grew up right next to the area that even NYers have anointed as “the best” pizza in NY, da Bronx, specifically 2dirdydird street, here is my take.

    It’s what you grew up with and know. When you go to another city and try the pizza it’s “different” not worse.
    It is so subjective.
    Yes, bowling alley pizza can be objectively worse, or if some nutballs in Wisconsin use cheddar cheese, or some other place is using ketchup, you can say it’s not good pizza.

    In New York I’ve heard 100s of times about Marie’s gravy being THE BEST, or Tony’s, or Petey’s, or Liz’s, everyone makes THE BEST GRAVY.
    Not a one made me fall over and say it’s the best I ever had.
    It’s all self-hypnotism and tribalism.

    I like corner slice Sicilian pizza, even in the Bronx, so I was one step towards heresy anyway.

  6. Its just occurred to me you lot probably think Moose’s Tooth is a mountain. Well, it is, but it’s also a gourmet pizzeria (named after the mountain) and it’s freaking delicious. When the article below (see top ten pizzeria pics, not the cities) says it’s always packed, they aren’t kidding. Their parking lot was expanded a few years ago and STILL overflows to way down the street and a lot across. The wait is so ridiculous that I almost never go there anymore, but rather to Bear Tooth, which also can be long but not nearly, plus there’s a cinema there so you can chow down while watching a film.

  7. LCD nails it. With all things being equal the “best” is going to be the person who starts with the freshest ingredients.

    If the tomato sauce standard recipe is Crushed Tomatoes, Olive Oil, Salt, Garlic, Oregano and Onion, in specified amounts, THE BEST is going to be the one which is made with the freshest ingredients and who lucked out on that day with the best tasting tomatoes.

    If someone steps in and adds sugar, that appeals to some and not others. Or if this one adds more garlic, that makes others say it’s better or best. Too subjective.
    The only actual measurable standard for THE BEST, given a standard recipe, is the one using best ingredients.

  8. When I started making pizzas from scratch seven or eight years ago, I thought I would probably turn into a pizza snob. Just the opposite happened. I can appreciate the differences in styles. If someone in LA wants a slice of authentic New York pizza, more power to him. I’m more inclined to sample the local places, but that’s just my preference.

  9. In Seattle, as far as I’m concerned, it’s Pagliacci — hands down. Yeah, they use all kinds of frou frou ingredients and it’s expensive pizza — but man-oh-man! Yum!! Check it out some time. I wait all year for their seasonal pies.


  10. My favorite is what I grew up with; family owned Volcano Pizza in Battle Creek, MI. They toss the dough there, make their own sauce and cut the finished pie with scissors into strips. You need both hands to hold it while you eat and get lots of napkins.

    They are only open for the dinner crowd on week days, closed over the winter and I’ve been going since late 60s.

  11. Mrs. Uncle and I like to have what we call an “emergency pizza” in the freezer. There is no contest between frozen and fresh pizza: fresh wins hands down. But some of the frozen ones are pretty tasty (the main failure is the crusts more often than not really suck).

    Having established that the important factors for fresh pizza are (a) what you grew up with, and (b) the freshness of the ingredients, what do you all look for in a frozen pie? At our house we’ve settled on Home Run Inn after trying one or two of most other popular brands. What brands/styles do you recommend?


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