Globe Theater Gives Joan a Whole New Arc – IOTW Report

Globe Theater Gives Joan a Whole New Arc

Washington Examiner

A theater in the United Kingdom will perform a play later this month on Joan of Arc in which the lead character will use “they/them” pronouns.

The play performed at Shakespeare’s Globe theater in London, I, Joandescribes Joan as someone who is “rebelling against the world’s expectations” and “questioning the gender binary.” Michelle Terry, the theater’s artistic director, described the theater as “a place of imagination” where people can consider “the possibility of world’s elsewhere,” she said in a statement regarding the play’s portrayal of Joan. More

17 Comments on Globe Theater Gives Joan a Whole New Arc

  1. Okay, let’s have a show of hands anyone who actually believes that Jeanne d’Arc was ever “questioning the gender binary”. Yeah, thought not.

    She was made a Christian Saint. These morons are morons. But wait, there’s more! “Michelle Terry, the theater’s artistic director says, “Shakespeare did not write historically accurate plays,” she added. “He took figures of the past to ask questions about the world around him”. Of course he did. But none of what he wrote involved gender bending. These people are idjits. Idjits are everywhere, however, these particular idjits are dangerous. Dangerous beyond belief.

  2. @Uncle Al:

    When it’s used as a singular pronoun, “themselves” should be “themself.” Ya gotta keep up with this stuff, man, or they’ll send ya to the cornfield.

  3. Never could understand how Hamilton was so popular. They appropriated the names of Hamilton and a lot of the founding fathers, making them black and Hispanic rappers or whatever.

  4. “Michelle Terry, the theater’s artistic director says, “Shakespeare did not write historically accurate plays,” she added. “He took figures of the past to ask questions about the world around him”.

    I say he was in it to make a living and he was very good at his craft, more successful than 99% of other Fartists. “Asking questions about the world around him” is artistic-wokism, a dumb-ass, sorry-ass combination that’s screws up everything it touches.

    Any ideas about what he was questioning through his work is probably pure speculation. If I had a way of communicating with her, I would ask what questions in what plays?

    Hamlet? OK, so he was wishy washy and couldn’t make a decision. BFD. Are we all supposed to learn a lesson from that play?

    Dumb Twat Michelle Terry can stick it up her ass.

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