Glocester, Rhode Island School Committee To Withhold Dues From State Association In Protest Of Cooperation With DOJ Against Parents – IOTW Report

Glocester, Rhode Island School Committee To Withhold Dues From State Association In Protest Of Cooperation With DOJ Against Parents

Resolution: Since the Rhode Island Association of School Committees “released correspondence indicating RIASC would cooperate with federal law enforcement to potentially adversely engage with our constituents …. [W]e will withhold our membership dues until further notice”

Legal Insurrection
Pushback is growing against U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland’s infamous October 4, 2021, memo organizing a federal, state, and local law enforcement response to parent protests at school board meetings.

The Garland memo, wrapped in supposed concerns about violence, in fact was a political gesture in response to a letter from the National School Board Association (NSBA) which smeared the parent protest movement as “equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.” The NSBA letter allegedly was a pre-arranged set up for the DOJ memo.

At least 17 state associations which are members of NSBA either have dropped membership, withheld dues, or otherwise protested NSBA’s letter to Garland. more here

2 Comments on Glocester, Rhode Island School Committee To Withhold Dues From State Association In Protest Of Cooperation With DOJ Against Parents

  1. …and when “they” come back hat in hand asking “What can We do to make this better?”
    Tell them straight to their face; “The ONLY thing that is going to make this better, are resignation letters from every member on that board.”


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