Gloria Allred: ‘I Haven’t Asked’ Beverly Young Nelson If She Saw Roy Moore Sign Her Yearbook – IOTW Report

Gloria Allred: ‘I Haven’t Asked’ Beverly Young Nelson If She Saw Roy Moore Sign Her Yearbook

Breitbart: Thursday on MSNBC’s “MTP Daily,” celebrity attorney Gloria Allred, who is representing Roy Moore accuser Beverly Young Nelson, said she had not asked her client if she saw Moore sign her yearbook.

Questions had been raised by the Moore campaign a day earlier at a press conference in Birmingham, AL about the authenticity of the signature, which Allred had held up as evidence to bolster Young’s claim against Moore.

Partial transcript as follows:

TUR: Does your client, Beverly Young Nelson, remember him signing it?

ALLRED: She remembers — well, she remembers being with him. It was on the counter. She alleges that he took it, that he signed it and she was thrilled that he had signed it, because, as far as she knew, he was a D.A. and that was an important position.

TUR: So she saw him sign it?

ALLRED: I don’t believe at the time she had a clue whether he was an assistant D.A. or a D.A., but he signed it, she took it. As far as she knows, I mean, there’s no reason for her to think it’s anybody’s but his signature.

TUR: But did she see him sign it?


15 Comments on Gloria Allred: ‘I Haven’t Asked’ Beverly Young Nelson If She Saw Roy Moore Sign Her Yearbook

  1. She didn’t ask because it doesn’t matter. Gloria makes her living by exploiting outrageous claims made by emotionally disturbed women with fantasies of being lusted after.

  2. I heard there were some more “victims” who came forward yesterday. Can’t seem to find out much about them though. Wonder why that is. I think Gloria messed up the whole smear.

  3. Allred is now a full time DNC political operative, hiding behind a law degree.

    How is this obscure Alabama hag Nelson in any way Allred’s “legal client”?
    Is Allred preparing her Will ? Advising her on some neighbor dispute back at the trailer park? Of course not. I doubt Allred’s even licensed to practise in flyover Alabama.

    Moore’s attorneys need to step up their game and come out swinging. They need to accuse Allred of fraud, and forgery, and demand to see Allred’s payments from the Dems for her time in this. Because we know none of these accusers could ever afford to hire Allred for one hour.
    Kathy Griffin claimed she spent close to $100k on Allred’s daughter Bloom for some phone time and a single disastrous press conference.
    Imagine what Allred is charging the Dems for the Roy Young smears.

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