Gloria Vanderbilt, Anderson Cooper’s mom, Dead at 95 – IOTW Report

Gloria Vanderbilt, Anderson Cooper’s mom, Dead at 95

She had stomach cancer.

23 Comments on Gloria Vanderbilt, Anderson Cooper’s mom, Dead at 95

  1. RIP Ms. Vanderbilt. You lived a long life and somewhat turbulent life of ease and I’m only sorry you couldn’t have raised a better child. Good wishes on your journey.

  2. I remember visiting the Breakers at Newport, summer ‘cottage’ of the Vanderbilts. There was a small cottage near the entrance that was Gloria’s playhouse. Playhouse was not all that extravagant. Inside Breakers, there was looking out on the ocean side a large indoor/outdoor room that also opened into an interior hall that had second floor hallways exposed like an elevated gallery to the large bedrooms. Basically all open air. Has anyone else seen?

  3. From the song “House of the Rising Don”

    My father was a failure
    Sold my mom’s blue jeans
    My mother was a Vandy hag
    Loathes the man from Queens

  4. She was almost as big of a degenerate as her son. No wonder he turned out the way he did. Too bad he didn’t do a Peter Pan out the window like his brother.

  5. That explains a lot. Anderson never had to work a day in his life all the way through college and now “works” at a left wing propaganda mill that would be the envy of those that worked at Pravada or Der Strummer.

    Should Cooper and his ilk succeed in destroying American why should he care? He will have enough money and power to maintain the life of the ruling elite. I’m not kidding when I say this explains a lot.


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