Gloves Off in This Fight – IOTW Report

Gloves Off in This Fight

Kurt Schlichter at Town Hall

One of the challenges of defeating Kamala Harris is figuring out just what to slam her on. There are so many powerful lines of attack to use against this leftist hack that it takes some consideration to figure out which is the most effective. But already, some Republicans are trying to help leftists place some of the most potent attacks are being put off limits. We’re being told there are certain things we just can’t say about her. We’re not supposed to mention that she’s a goofy weirdo with an evil laugh. We’re not supposed to mention she’s an incompetent DEI hire. And, of course, we’re not supposed to talk about her sordid history of sexual ladder climbing.

25 Comments on Gloves Off in This Fight

  1. Gavin took offense at the Kamal post on X.

    Gavin Newsom
    Manipulating a voice in an “ad” like this one should be illegal.
    I’ll be signing a bill in a matter of weeks to make sure it is.

    Elon Musk responds:

    I checked with renowned world authority, Professor Suggon Deeznutz, and he said parody is legal in America 🤷‍♂️

  2. Harry

    Fucking Newson is your iconic chicken shit libtard. “I don’t like what you are saying so I’ll write an EO so you can’t say it.” He’ll do it. Even though it’s totally unconstitutional. But by the times it’s over turned Kami will have served for two years.
    That exchange is still going on and Elon is kicking his worthless ass.

  3. Brad – That’s called being a Dictator.
    Being a Dictator is easy. It doesn’t require intelligence or skill to just wave yer hand and say “Make it so!”

  4. Harry

    When you consider who was ultimately responsible for Biden getting off the ticket don’t be shocked if Newsom is their candidate. And that’s probably why he has been mentioned for a VP spot.

  5. Harry

    Yes, everything you read indicates Brain dead Biden is butt hurt and “appointed” Kami in retaliation. But they still have plan A and a couple weeks. Newsom has just been to giddy and vocal lately.

  6. Here is my litmus test on the propriety of political ads: would a leftist refuse to do this because of moral objections?

    To be honest, I can’t think of anything off limits to a leftist. They lie, they cheat, they steal, they characterize people as racists or misogynists for no reason, they bring up sexual pecadillos, they twist things out of context, etc. etc. Leftists do draw the line at accusing people of being DEI hires because they like DEI hires, and they do avoid characterizing people as sexual perverts (including pedophiles) because they like sexual perverts. On the other hand, leftists have characterized Clarence Thomas as essentially a DEI hire and will call out a Republican for being a sexual pervert, so these things aren’t necessarily out of bounds for leftists.

    JD Vance is “weird” because he favors marriage, children and families. But Democrats favor killing babies and cutting off the genitals of underage children – I’ll go with the Republican agenda on this for the same reason I side with Dr. Ben Carson over Dr. Josef Mengele.

    Hold a mirror up to these leftists. Martha’s Vineyard is a sanctuary city that forcibly boots out immigrants seeking sanctuary. The “elites” don’t mind homeless people because they live in gated communities that ban the homeless. The “elite” also agitate for carbon control from the comfort of their private jets and 10,000 square foot mansions. Being a leftist is great so long as leftist policies benefit you, but if you are just an ordinary citizen – not so much.

  7. BTW – All you really need to know is that the same Leftist Moisturizing Metrosexuals who Preach Preposterous Propaganda also brought us the lies of:
    White supremacy
    Systemic racism
    Conservatives are domestic terrorists
    Afghanistan was perfectly executed
    Hospitals are over-loaded with COVID victims
    The open Southern border is not a crisis
    Joe Biden has over-performed. He gets more done in an hour than most people do in a day!
    Our burning cities were “mostly peaceful protests”
    Our burning forests are a sign of Global Warming
    There was no election fraud
    Inflation is good!
    Also brought us Kamala… who was not the Border Czar!

    Do we need to know anymore?
    Hand me the phone, I’m calling Bullshit!

  8. Mr. Liberty, if we wait until once again the election is stolen it is too late. Nothing will be “brought on” or changed. The time for action is now.

  9. Unfortunately, the biggest challenge of winning against ANY democrat, commie is having fair elections.
    There has always been cheating but that cheating has been astronomical since Obutthole arrived on scene.

  10. If, by the Devil, she becomes US Prostitute, er, US President, imagine this scenario of her meeting with PM Netanyahu of Israel.

    PM Netanyahu (PMN): Very nice meeting you, Madame President.

    Pres. Kamala (PK): Giggles…bgrlkfyhg. Sure. Looks around.

    PMN: Excuse me, I don’t understand you, please repeat.

    PK: Louder giggle…Sorry Mister…something, uh, sir, what is your name and where do you come from?

    PMN: I’m Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and I’m from Israel.

    PK: Oh, I see…you’re from that Palestine place, right? Near Ukraine, right? More Giggles.

    PMN: No, no…not Palestine, Israel. There is no Palestine…and Israel is in Asia.

    PK: Starts to Cackle….Oh sorry, I do know there is a Palestine somewhere…Pennsylvania? Right? Big Cackles.

    PMN: No, no, you’re all mistaken…didn’t your cabinet brief you about this meeting?

    PK: Brief? Briefs? Debrief? My friend Willie had briefs, but he always took them off…they just get in the way, he said…so no I don’t like briefs but de-briefs are wonderful….CACKLE, CACKLE, CACKLE.

    PMN: I’m leaving…you suck.

    PK: Wait…if that’s what this meeting is all about, come on back.

  11. Before Kamala selects her VP, I suggest Hillary Clinton.

    What could be a better duo than Cackles and Canckles?

    They would be inducted into the Stand-up Comedy Hall of Fame for all the jokes they would generate.

  12. She needs to be asked, and made to answer:

    “With 81 million votes and the most impressive administration ever in terms of the economy, success with securing the border, non-involvement in theaters of war, and facing down the greatest threat to democracy since the civil war, etc., all which ‘merited a second term,’ according to the President, why did Joe Biden step aside and choose not to run for reelection?”

    Force her to “pretend not to know” and continue the coverup over Biden’s cognitive decline and him being forced out of office by democrat elites.


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