GMU “Make Your Own Damn Sandwich” Event – IOTW Report

GMU “Make Your Own Damn Sandwich” Event

The Women and Gender Studies Department (so they study women and their gender?) at George Mason University put the makings out then challenged students to “Make Your Own Damn Sandwich.” They were supposed to be making some kind of larger point about gender equality (I guess).

By the looks of the spread they put out, not many people took them up on their crappy offer.


41 Comments on GMU “Make Your Own Damn Sandwich” Event

  1. Packaged processed cheese food product, white bread, and small group activity about gender inequality – not my idea of a healthy lunch.

    Looks like someone spent a total of 15 dollars and 29 cents on that “spread,” including the bottled water. Nasty.

  2. Tsk tsk tsk….
    That’s not how you make a sandwich. Potato chips add the crunch the pretzels are for beer. White bread is for pb&j and that cheese is for …nothing.

    They’re not even trying

  3. Maybe they were looking for wish sambiches?

    That somehow someone would actually become the ingredient for their own special life sandwich?

    (A nod to the Blues Brothers et al btw)

  4. I wouldn’t trust most women to make a sandwich for me because ubiquitous feminism has rendered most women into pretty shitty chefs. If cooking for a man is something you resent, then don’t do it. But don’t be surprised when he figures out that you’re pretty much useless for anything if don’t earn any money and not good in bed either.

  5. I believe what we see laid out on the table at this soiree, is the visual definition of a shit sammich. Now take your stupid as hell feminazi topics, stuff ’em up your ass and get back into the kitchen and make me a decent Dagwood, ya bitches!

  6. I have been going out of my way to be nice and civil to men in public because of all this feminist/nazi drivel- like if I’m first going through a door, I pause to hold it for the person behind me so it doesn’t shut in their face – just decent social manners. But I notice more and more that men are being nasty to women – like letting the door shut in their faces. I think these bitter old f*ks are just as bad as the feminists. Good manners never go out of style. You either have them, or you don’t. So the feminist movement’s major achievement that I can see so far is the killing of social graces. (And now you know why my screen name is “Gladys”.)

  7. Bman. If they tried to be electricians they would probably spend their time being offended by the black and white conductors believing that they are racist. Any why is the black “hot”? Is that some kind of sexist statement about black women? And how can they call white “neutral”? Don’t know they know that all white people area automatically racist and all white men are sexist? That’s hardly neutral. And don’t even get them started on the three way circuit when you bring in the additional red conductor and its obvious racist connection to native Americans.

  8. In my childhood my mother made awesome sandwiches–I remember even complaining they were too fat! But she always made them that way because she believed cheaping out on food was shameful. I loved tuna the best and so she used to make it with cut up bits of celery and onion, omg so delicious on that chewy rye or Russian black bread. She’d also cut it diagonally, which I still do today for my son, and he loves it.

    And spreading a bunch of pieces of bread in one area? She would sniff and say something like, “Industrial.” There’s no love there, not even like.

  9. Some possible days in the Men’s Studies Department: “Shingle your own Damned Roof.” “Change your own Damned Flat Tire.” “Shovel your own Damned Sidewalk.” “Snake that clog out of your own Damned Bathroom Drain.”

  10. One of the best things about women is their sammich making skills. If that’s taken away it will reduce their market value. To their point, if the total value of all the women decrease, the gap in value between normal women and feminists shrinks. That’s the best they can hope for.

  11. Uncle Al is right. And they need to go back to the kitchen ’til they get it right, dammit!

    All the energy, ingenuity and efficacy of the Coffee Party.

    IOW lame.

    Lame food too. What man would want that crap?

    Processed cheese-food product and real sliced cheese looks the same from a distance unpackaged, but given how lame they are, betting flip is right.

  12. And they left the bread out to get all dry.
    I bet they all have multiple cats. If they don’t now, they will.
    I agree with Gladys.
    It appears that normal manners are one of the casualties of feminism.
    I always open doors, despite the smirks. I say hello to people I make eye contact with. And when some ‘lady’ huffs I have internal dialog somewhere along the lines of: “Easy lady ,I ain’t going to ask you to marry me, I am just being polite”
    But I will not be abandoning chivalry, its like that line from Rob Roy:
    Honor is a gift a man gives to himself

  13. @Poor Lazlo – exactly! Be an example of good in the world. When I get nasty looks from men I’m polite to, I think exactly the same thing – “Whoa, I’m not asking you to marry me!” I just consider the source and thank God that I know better. Most of the time, I get a very positive reaction, like we’re both on the same page.

  14. SineWaveII, Not to mention the whole male/female plug/receptacle thing. Oh no!! Talk about sexist.

    I’m still waiting for the master & slave drives to be a thing. And you just know the Master bedroom is on the list.

  15. I wish I was there with my girlfriend (now wife) when we were college age. She would have walked up and made a sandwich and I would step up as she made it and asked if any woman would make me one. Then she would have gleefully said “Here, take mine!” and handed it to me. Then we would have walked away, arm in arm.

  16. Dadof4 Not only is that male/female plug thing sexist. It’s also cis-hetero-normative. I mean what if the male plug is feeling female that day? Who are we to place labels?

  17. Just a thought – maybe this is evil’s way of trying to take away men’s protective instincts toward women. When men no longer feel they have something to protect and fight for, they’ll just give up.

    Same as the attempt of destruction of the “traditional” family.

  18. Between my wife & I, most of the outdoor, cooking and kitchen chores are mine.
    She takes care of the laundry, finances & housecleaning, mainly because the house would look like a cyclone passed through if left to me.
    Ya gotta bring SOMETHING to the table, lazy bitches!

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