Go Daddy Drops The Daily Stormer – IOTW Report

Go Daddy Drops The Daily Stormer

If you support Trump, The Daily Stormer, according to the left, speaks for you.

We should be linking to them, quoting them, revering them, emulating them, and furious that Go Daddy has given them 24 hours notice to find a new web host. But somehow, this nazi racist bigot has never been there before, never linked them and supports the GoDaddy move.

Money asked their readers, “Should web-hosting companies restrict who’s on their platforms?”

I think it’s a no-brainer. Of course they can. Just like I don’t have to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding.

The Daily Stormer must be upset with Trump after this scathing rebuke-


I went over to The Daily Stormer to see what Go Daddy jettisoned. It’s not a site Godaddy would put on their promotion page, that’s for sure.  Jews are kikes and blacks are apes in just about every headline.

It’s tough to get your message out when your headline is a nonstarter for many people.

One headline interested me. A writer there was appalled with himself that he “got” a joke Seinfeld told that was usually only funny to Jews.

Do you “get” the joke?

I did, and I’m not a kike.. err… Jewish.



10 Comments on Go Daddy Drops The Daily Stormer

  1. Unless you own your own server, non-liberals are going to be scrubbed off the internet.

    Then, eventually, those providing internet service, will not allow those servers to be used to send and receive data.

    THIS IS WHY I say the country needs to be divided into:

    The United States of Texas

    The United States of California

    Just be separated. This marriage is disfunctional.

  2. The Media …The Dem Politicians and the Anti-Fun were Really on This Weren’t They ? Their Smiles Were Undeniable !
    I Have Never Seen The Media Look so Relieved, No Sadness For the Victim at All… They Could’nt Be More Thrilled !
    This Is All For a Domestic Terrorist…A Boy That’s Confused as Hell and Fucking Crazy as a Loon ! He’s Probably Influenced By the Left’s Muslims !!!

  3. The cant is always boring, but sometimes it really does make a difference.

    The Daily Stormer has not been dropped by it’s hosting company. The “We just don’t want to take your money, anymore.” argument should be enough for that. The Daily Stormer has been extra-judicially removed from The [(N}GO] Internet by it’s registrar. That’s the organization that turns government approved names into government owned addresses (Internet phone numbers). It is exactly like the (we insist that we’re not a government agency) phone company deciding that you can no longer have a phone number, because some popular prinxess claims that you’re ugly. There are government defined procedures for involuntarily changing the use of government owned Internet addresses (phone numbers). But they weren’t even hand waved over, in this case. GoDaddy, then Goolag, just said “We’re ‘not The Government.’ What are you gonna do about it?” with “property” that The Government claims the right to kill you for using without their permission.

  4. That’s why we have anti-Trust laws.
    When there is only one game in town that f*cks you over.
    There should never be a company so large that it’s wielding life altering changes
    over you.

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