Go Fund Me for Vile Lefty Spitter Exceeds Goal – IOTW Report

Go Fund Me for Vile Lefty Spitter Exceeds Goal


A bar employee who was placed on leave after she allegedly spit on Eric Trump now has a GoFundMe established on her behalf.

The unidentified server was immediately detained by the U.S. Secret Service after the encounter. Now, a man claiming to be her friend has set up a GoFundMe page to raise money for the woman until she finds a new job.

“My friend allegedly spat on Eric Trump and got fired. That’s what happens when we bring the crises from our neighborhoods to the people causing/getting rich off those crises,” wrote the friend, identified only as Brian. “I want to make sure she’s good to go until she finds a new job, and that she won’t have to worry about paying any legal fees etc. Throwdown to support this young badass who wasn’t going to let some jagoff bully get away with his nonsense.”

“We’re trying to keep her anonymous for now, to keep her and her family safe, so you’re not going to find her name here. This stuff might all blow up or her name might get leaked or whatever, so this page might disappear. Stay tuned on other social media to keep tabs on what’s happening,” Brian added.

There is no evidence Eric Trump, the second son of President Donald Trump, was acting as a “jagoff bully” or disruptive in any way.


15 Comments on Go Fund Me for Vile Lefty Spitter Exceeds Goal

  1. Did I read somewhere that Eric Trump declined to press charges? That’s a mistake. The spitter committed an assault and should be punished. There needs to be consequences for these assholes.

  2. These are old fashioned cut-throat goose-stepping socialists. Many of them would kill us if they could get away with it. Self-righteous ego maniacs pumped full of hate. This has happened in Russia, Germany, Cuba, China and other places around the world exactly the same way by exactly the same means by exactly the same sort of people. Imagining them to be goofy, bumbling air heads is a dangerous underestimation.

  3. So you are a badass when you as a liberal assault someone by doing about the most disgusting thing possible, spitting in their face, just because you have a disagreement on policy. Wasn’t that what some of them were falsely accusing the Covington kids of doing? And that was the crime of the century worthy of doxxing the kid.

  4. Eric Trump declined to press charges? Just the kind of response you’d expect from someone who is literally the spawn of Hitler.

    Like, when SS head Reynhard Heinrich was killed in the town of Lidice Czechoslovakia, what did the Nazis do? Why, they sent a team of psychotherapists to try to comprehend the root causes of this irrational act, right?

    Just kidding, what they actually did was kill every citizen in that town; all 2000 of them. Which is literally, the same reaction as the Trump camp

  5. Every dollar that goes from useless idiots to a fellow useless idiot in order to be squandered, is a dollar which does not go to useless politicians to be squandered.

  6. The unnamed woman spit on Eric Trump.

    The “friend” is drumming up money “on her behalf”, conveniently keeping her identity anonymous (crap! now nobody can ask whatzerface if “Brian” is really her friend!), while calling Eric Trump a “jagoff bully”.

    Eric Trump is not pressing charges.

    The only one in this story NOT being a “jagoff bully” is Eric Trump.


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